Tuesday, March 11, 2014

March 10-11,...the countdown

This morning The scale went away. The scale we used for pre- and post-nursing weights. It was concrete and let me know if my babes got enough to eat. Nurse Debbie helped me through the transition. As she pointed out, if I go home soon there won't be a scale there. A little nerve wracking, so I pray we just gain weight!! 

Papa Bob came by in the morning for some time holding babies. Then a friend, Alecia, stopped by. She has been a patient herself for a couple days so we were good distraction for one another. 

I ordered some adorable cookies for the nurses from my friend, Rachel Britz, who gifted those cute onesie cookies. She brought two of her kids/my students with her, Walker and Perah. A little shy, but it was good to see them, and Rachel loved holding two babies! A little over an hour later, I realized I didn't take a picture of the cookies, so I had a nurse take one for me. There were only 6 of the 24 cookies left. Must have been delicious!

This evening Josh and Caleb came with supper. We played, snuggled, ate, and I nursed both babies. It was the first time it was just us for a longer period of time. No other visitors. It was the first time we felt like a family of 5. And we managed it well. Just a few chips spilled on the floor:)

Lisa C was my night nurse again, whom I really enjoy. The nights go by fast when you can enjoy conversation. And we celebrated that they gained weight again!

TUESDAY, March 11
They gained weight! Going home Wednesday is now very real. Debbie was my nurse and she is was happy for us. 

During morning Rounds Dr Taylor, my delivery doctor, said hi. Dr Benson walked in with him with good news. We can go home as soon as we want! Josh had to travel today for work, so Wednesday it is!!

I took an hour Nap!! What a difference sleep makes. 

When I woke I found a facebook message from a family friend, Kathy G. She was in the hospital visiting her father. She had time to come and snuggle with babies. So down she came and we had a wonderful visit. She said she sees some of my dad in William. I love when people who knew my dad say things like that.

Mollie and William went down to the nursery for a little bit, and I went to visit my friend Brittany who just had her son, Grayson. Our firstborn children are close in age as well. It's fun to go through the stages with people you know. Her son Grayson was over 9 pounds. He seemed like a giant compared to my two little ones.

Upon recommendation from our nurse Debbie, Josh and I went out on a date. He picked me up and we went out to eat at Olive Garden. It was the perfect idea since we could take advantage of the expert care of the nursery and my mom to watch Caleb. This will likely be our last date for a little while. At dinner we were both yawning and joked that the next date we go on will include a nap. And what date wouldn't be complete with a trip to Target. That is the running joke. I always asked to stop by Target at the end of our dates. This time we legitimately had some things for the twins that we needed to buy. 

We returned to everything under control. The rest of the evening went smoothly and I was able to get some packing done. Poor William needs to poop. He's been really gassy but no relief yet.

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