Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Minnesota State Fair!

I grew up marking each year by the State Fair. My mom and dad took their 4 small children every year. Our goal each county fair was a 4-H trip to the state fair. August was a highlight due to the fair. Several years I walked around the fair with my Grandma Norma. I always seemed to tire before her! She got a State Fair pin each year and hung her collection in the basement on strips of fabric by the freezer. The cheese curds and heads of butter are the two MUSTS for me.

So it was only natural to want to introduce Caleb into this tradition. Not knowing how things would go we aimed to get there early and stay as long as he would let us. Well we tuckered out before he did! What a trooper! We went to the animal barns, peeked into the Colosseum to show Caleb where his Oma and great aunts and uncles showed their prize dairy cows. We visited the horse barn and took a picture of a Caleb with his carriage and a horse carriage. He also saw some BIG horses. He is used to the small ones he sees in his books! We saw the largest pig for Aunt Boogie and took a picture!
Trying to figure out what all the noise and ruckus is about!

That's a sweet ride Mommy!

Checking out the horsey!

Princess Kay outside the Dairy Barn

After the animals we headed to the Care & Assistance office to nurse Caleb. There were small private rooms that were great to take a break and have some quiet time. I appreciated it and so did Caleb.

From there we did some shopping in the bazaar and Grandstand. Got my cheese curds in the Food building, and milkshake from the Dairy building. Caleb grabbed his feet in front of me for the first time!

We stopped by Gander Mountains area and got a picture taken of Caleb's Catch of the Day!

We visited the 4-H building and enjoyed the exhibits.

Caleb, thanks for loving the fair! We got you a State Fair pin to carry on Grandma Norma's tradition.


Prior to this week Caleb has been hanging out with his bud...the guys. This week he got a little time with the ladies.

On Thursday we drove up to Shakopee and met two Gustie for an afternoon snack. Meg, Leah, and I lived on the same floor freshmen year at Gustavus. Now we're all at different jobs and phases, but we can still connect and pick up where we left off. However, there was a lot of baby talk. Leah and her daughter Lydia are an adorable pair. Lydia was born on Christmas, which means she's 8 months old. What a beautiful little girl. She has got the inspection look down pat. But her smile is a gem! Caleb warmed to her a quicker than she did him, but later she could hardly keep her hands off him.

Meg was my freshmen and sophomore year roommate. She is one of my dearest friends and she hadn't seen Caleb since he was three days old. Boy had he changed, but he had all smiles and love for Meg as if no time had passed:) 

He snuggled in and fell asleep!

Then on Friday we had breakfast with my friend Tracy, her son Caleb, and daughter (14 month old) Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn liked baby Caleb too. Tracy is a teacher as well and we knew we had to get together now before we disappear into our classrooms next week.

Well I think Caleb left the ladies with a good impression. I know he charms many of the older ladies, but it's good to know that women his own age appreciate him too:)

Hard to say Goodbye

Caleb finally got to meet his Auntie Lauren three weeks ago, and now he had to say goodbye. The next time Lauren is coming home is likely when she comes home from Korea for good...next fall. So a year from now will be the soonest she will hold Caleb again. A year...a lot will change for Caleb. Who will he be in a year? But before I get misty eyed about my baby boy being a big boy, let's talk about Lauren.

Caleb loves Lauren! He has had a very honest relationship with her. She's seen his happy, mad, sad, and giggle face. Here are his happy and giggle faces:

August 23: We went out to Oma and Grandpa's house for supper on Tuesday to share in Lauren's last requested meal, Chicken Divan. And then of course there were some pictures. The 5 (the youngest 5 siblings) of us were home for supper and it was great to be together.

We did this picture before when we were all in high school & middle school.

Lauren & Oma/Mom

Be safe Lauren...we'll miss you while you're gone. Thank goodness for Skype, Facebook, emails, and phone calls.

We love you, Auntie Lauren!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Picnic and sweet corn at Oma and Grandpa's

Sunday (8/21/11) was a beautiful day! After a very productive work time in the basement (got all donations listed and boxed - 12 boxes), we went out to my parents for supper. Lucky for us it was chicken on the grill, cucumber salad, potatoes from the garden, and fresh sweet corn! It was such a great day that we ate outside...Caleb's first picnic!

After dinner there was some Caleb and Grandpa time, and Oma time got squeezed in too:)

He loves the mirror!

Family time is great!

4 month check up

We have a big, beautiful baby boy! I am so proud of Caleb for growing so well.
His measurements at 4 months on August 22, 2011:
Head: 18" = 99%
Weight: 17.6lbs = 92%
Height: 26" = 86%

I think he has a big head! Haha...99% is the highest it goes!

When our doc walked in he immediately commented on what a big, handsome guy Caleb is and then asked how things were going. I said that Caleb is a happy baby and things are going really well, but I had a few questions. He said, "Great! Let me hear 'em!" I love our doctor. He didn't once make me feel awkward or self-conscious for any question or comment I had. He took my concerns and questions seriously, supported my instincts with affirmations and calmed any concerns with facts of what is normal to expect. LOVE HIM! Now I know how my students feel when someone says, "Good question!"

When it came due for shots, our doc's nurse wasn't the one who walked through the door. She was a younger nurse who will not be doing shots again. Last time our doc's nurse had me stay up by Caleb's head while she prepped all three injection spots, and quick as a whip gave the shots so I could scoop him up and dry his tears. This time the nurse asked me to help her hold his legs down and she prepped one leg, gave one shot, then prepped the next leg, and gave a shot. LONGEST MINUTE OF MY LIFE! Poor guy!

He was hard to calm continuously. He would calm a bit and then remember what happened and whimper again. Finally I put him in his car seat and stroller and we walked outside for a bit for him to calm before going home. It was beautiful day and it didn't take the rumble of the stroller for him to get a calmness about him.

Caleb does have a small rash on the back of his neck, so he was prescribed a light dose of a steroid cream. My sister, Krista, was with me when we were picking up the prescription. I said, "My baby boy is on steroids!" She was sitting next to him in the back seat, looked at him, and casually said, "He looks like it." I had a good laugh over that one!

Krista watched him while I tutored for an hour. She did a great job with him! They played and she held him while he cried himself into a nap. She is so gifted when working with kids!

Keep growing Caleb!

Friday, August 19, 2011

4 months old!

Caleb is four months old today! He's rolling over...not completely on purpose yet but he's starting to connect the dots. He is a big boy in his exosaucer. He is in 6-9 month clothes. He has even started daycare and been great at it! In the last month he has been out of the state...Iowa, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Colorado! And he now has a belly laugh that we love to get out of him! He's so fun! Mister Personality! The half grin melts my heart every time!

4 months - Laughing at Daddy!

Looking up at Mommy!

4 months - 4 stuffed friends
Big boy @ 4 months!
One month ago - 3 months

Rub my belly!

Hi All!
I had some friends over today and we got massaged. Nana taught all the mommy's how to do infant massage while Severin, Aaron, and I talked and sucked our hands. Aaron showed off his strength by rolling around. But Aaron had hair envy of Severin. Sev has a head of hair that really makes any lil dude jealous. I just got hungry, so I ate halfway through. But it was fun and I like having my friends over. Thanks for inviting them Mommy!
Aaron kept rolling over and showing us his neck muscles. I'll catch up with him soon!

Mommy and Me

Severin got so relaxed he fell asleep with his Mommy

Aaron and his mommy

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Last night I packed the paperwork, cloth and disposable diapers, extra clothes and pacifier, and hat. I didn't know what I would all need, but I was bound and determined to be prepared. I ate breakfast and packed the frozen breast milk and was ready to go...physically.

For Caleb it was a typical happy morning, but for me it was a milestone. First morning of daycare. It would only be 3.5 hours, but it marked the beginning of a new routine and norm for us. I was just getting out of the shower when I heard Caleb talking in his crib. I was still able to get dressed and ready (not that I take any time anyway) before Caleb ever fussed. I changed his diaper and him. Fed him and we were ready. I packed my stuff, his stuff, and you thought we were going away for a weekend:) haha!

We drove 7 minutes and got to Amy's house. I opened the door and Caleb gave me a grin

Then we walked by the playset and huge lawn that Caleb will some day run around in, and to the house.

He immediately had lots of little friends huddled around.

I left him happy in a bouncy seat and surrounded by love.

As I walked out my throat felt a little thick, and I had "emotion" behind my eyes, but I knew he was in good hands and having a whole new adventure!

Thanks Amy for loving my little guy! People said it would be hard to go back to work, but I said, "I know it will, but I've got a great daycare lady and that's what I'm focusing on!" When I picked him up he had just fallen asleep in her arms. He'd had fun, smiled, gone outside, and drank his bottle like a champ. Amy said she loved him...and I was happy!