Friday, March 14, 2014

Going home

Saying goodbye each shift to the nurses didn't seem real, but it started the process of going home. Said goodbye to Kris. She said that it hadn't felt like work coming to watch Mollie and William. I will miss her humor at the 12:30 feeding. Josh isn't as funny when he's tired;)

My last morning at the hospital. Debbie S took Mollie and William to the nursery while I took a leisure shower and breakfast. That's the last time that will happen for awhile.

My mom stopped to take a load for us. 
I joked about selling all my things at home since I could live out of a small hospital room, but it surprisingly held quite a bit of stuff. Plenty to pack up.

It was a busy nursery when picking up Mollie and William this morning. It's funny to think the world keeps going and having babies when your own seems to stand still and revolve around your own baby/babies.

At 9:30 I did a Tandom nursing, just needing help getting both babies on my lap. Debbie was great at assisting and encouraging me. I gave her a bag of sunshine too. Then Josh called while nursing and I answered the phone. That's right, I was nursing two babies and talking on the phone;) Women really can multi-task:)

Then I took a nap. Just as I woke and called for Mollie and William to go to the nursery one last time, Lisa walked in to say goodbye. I do feel such a bond with her. She was William's delivery nurse, walked us through the beginning of the NG tubes, and introduced us to the bottle. She was conversation and connection when 4 walls and a stressful situation could have overwhelmed me. I'm grateful that the charge nurses see value in consistency of care, and she was assigned William and Mollie each shift. A sincere hug was given to say goodbye, even if it may never convey all my gratitude. She left a gift and card for Mollie and William; a generous woman. 

At 12:30 I started a bottle feeding and Josh came and helped. Then he packed the car and installed the car seat bases. 

Then we just snuggled our babies while waiting for Dr Benson to finalize the discharge. Debbie was efficient and got all the paperwork ready. Then Dr B walked in at about 2:00pm, pleased with everything we have accomplished. We also made plans for follow up visits. We have an audiology appointment Friday morning, followed by a lactation visit. We'll see Dr B Monday to check weight as well.

After he left, Debbie came for the final signatures, and cut our bands. William and Mollie were officially as solely care. Officially. 

Mollie and William tolerated the car seats well. So far so good. 

Goodbye room 5010! 

We walked to the nursery for some printouts and said goodbye to Nurses Tracy and Lisa T, two who were there from the beginning. 

Debbie walked us out, with a huge bag of milk from the fridge and freezer. Holy milk!! The bag below was full! 

We got into the van and pulled away, giving Debbie a final goodbye hug. This is the first time since birth, 21 days ago, that the twins left the hospital. 

We drove home in a state if calm and peace, although Josh admitted to being a bit more of a defensive driver. Once home, Woody excitedly greeted and sniffed all of us. Within 15 min of coming home, it was time to nurse. So I tandom nursed Mollie and William for the first time at home. It went very well. Then we laid them in their swings and all seemed content and right in the world.

Josh left to pick up Caleb and a few errands. He came home with Caleb, who immediately pointed out that William and Mollie were here, at home. He seemed pleased, but just as happy to play and chill on the couch. 
Pizza for supper was delivered by a church member. Very appreciated! 
Then my Mom came to drop off a few bags of hospital items and I asked her to stay to help with unpacking and laundry.

Did the 9:30pm feeding and got ready for bed. I got a short sleep session before the 12:30 feeding. Each nighttime feeding Josh assisted and the babies went right to sleep between each feeding. They do squeak as they sleep though, so one time we snuggled them very deep into sleep. We did great! I'm so proud of our first night home! Success!

Here Mollie and Will are in the same bassinet for the night. 

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