Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Their names

My brother called the other night and said, "So where did Mollie come from?" If I was more of a Smart Alec I would have asked him to repeat 4th grade health, or talk to our parents regarding a remedial Birds & Bees convo,... but I'm not:) 

The truth is all the names we chose have family signifcance. We love the names on their own, and we love that we have relationships to those names. 

Mollie - Her great, great, great grandmother's name on the Miller side was Mollie.
= means wished-for child, bitter

Norma - Her paternal great grandmothers' on both the Monson and Miller side are named Norma. Josh and I made this realization during our first date. What a coincidence that we both had Grandma Norma's. Women we both love deeply.

William - His great grandpa and his great, great grandpa are named William on the Harjes (Bri's mother's side) side of the family. Great Grandpa Bill is actually named after his father and is a William Harjes, Jr.  - His great, great, great grandpa was also named William on the Miller side, but went by his middle name Preston. 
= means determined protector

Mark - His grandpa Monson, Bri's father, is named Mark. A man loved and missed tremendously. 

So we are thrilled they are here, that they are rooted in loved ones' names, and will make their own names for themselves. 

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