Friday, February 14, 2014

Falling in love...

I am extremely blessed. God protected my heart. There were a few crushes and attempts at falling for a guy, but God held me back until I met Josh. Josh is the only man I ever fell in love with. He is the only one I have said, "I love you," to, and continues to be. Yes I love my siblings and parents, but this love is different. At times I felt lonely and angry that the right guy hadn't come into my life earlier, but looking back now I am so grateful. Some might disagree and say that dating and relationships along the way help you determine what you really need/want in a marriage, but I guess I learned enough from a couple dates and the experiences of my friends. Sorry you had break ups and heartbreaks, but it helped me out:)

The best thing about falling in love with one man is now I can say the only men I have ever fallen in love with are in my family. It only took a second, but it was love at first sight with Caleb too. And then I looked up and fell in love with my husband all over again. Watching my husband fall in love with his son are moments I will cherish forever. Caleb daily steals my heart over and over again. Josh dances with me in the kitchen and makes me smile only the way he can. Blessed! A catch of a lifetime!

And what's even greater? I am about to set eyes on the next two loves of my life. Two more lives, personalities, giggles, cheeks, and hugs to fall in love with! I wish them here any moment, so the love and kisses can start now. In the meantime I will just love them through my skin:)

God gets it right...
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you, and not harm you; plans to give you hope, and a future."

I have trusted this verse for a long time and kept it as my mantra when I feel a little lost. God is good, all the time. And all the time, God is good.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Caleb 4/19/2011

Bri's Birthday 5/2/2006 - Bri & Josh

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