Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Monday, last day of March:
Here we are snuggling on the couch at 7:15am, before daycare.

It was a great day just me and the babes. I got a great hour nap from 7:45 to the 9 am feeding. It really set the tone for a great day!! It was great to get in a groove and feel on top of things. I have a feeling moments like that will be fleeting.

By the evening I did get tired.
The babies were awake more during the night due to sleeping so much in the early evening. It was not a restful night. 

April 1:
It was an Early morning and I was feeling tired. It didn't help that the wind was howling and frost/ice covered everything! Luckily I just had to make it to 10:00. My friend Erica K came and gave me over an hour nap! She left a little after noon, leaving with laundry folded and content, sleepy babies. I ate lunch and laid down for just a bit. 

Then I gave William a bath. He was ready to eat after and then Mollie, so I only got his bath done today. Tomorrow is Mollie's turn! It was quickly after 3:00, so it was snuggles and a short nap with Mollie on the couch.

On behalf of our church and as a friend, Michelle M dropped off supper and a goodie bag. We hope she can come to snuggle babies soon! 
Oma came and finished sewing on missing buttons before Caleb came home:) He doesn't need to be tempted with needles and thread. 
Oma stayed to snuggle babies while I fed babies and pumped, and Josh got some outdoor exercise with Woody. Then we had the supper Michelle dropped off. Yummy! A friend dropped off a meal for this week too. Awesome! 

A peaceful evening again. Caleb was beat, so we were all a bit more sedentary.

I am working on Pictures! So many devices(phone, point-and-shoot, DSLR)! It's hard to keep them all organized on the computer. I'm trying to upload them to Shutterfly so I can make the birth announcement. Any organization tips from other mommas? Do you delete all pics off devices once uploaded? I make folders by date. Any other preference? 

April 2:
The night time feedings went well. I was more tired, so I didn't 't get up as quickly responding to their grunts. This meant that they were usually ready to eat at the same time. It made feedings a bit frantic at first but we settled in.

Nana came a little after 9:00, just in time for me to get a shower before Nurse Gloria came to check in and weigh Mollie and William. 

9:30 Gloria showed up and we only had good news to report. We practiced arranging pillows and babies for tandem nursing. Then it was time for exciting news. William gained 17ounces, over a pound! His current weight is 8lbs 6 oz. Mollie gained 13 ounces! Her current weight is 7 lbs 13oz. They are dramatically gaining weight. Good eaters! No wonder I sometimes just feel like a milk machine. 

After Gloria left I was able to take a 40minute nap before Nana needed to head in to work. Every minute helps! I ate lunch and gave Mollie a bath. Suddenly it was 4:00pm and my friend Kayla was on her way over to take pictures. 

Babies didn't quite cooperate. They were more awake than we'd like. So we tried for awhile and then just held them. Meanwhile Oma took Caleb on a long walk and to the park. He loved it!! He came back rosy cheeked and happy:)

We had supper and laid low after all the picture excitement. We are beat after a busy day, which wasn't too busy, but more than the usual right now. 

Nighty night

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