Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Keeping up with the Millers

How is it I can't keep up with my life? I have a system of survival right now that will hopefully become a comfortable pace of life...eventually. Each day I awake and shower while Caleb is still sleeping or waking up with Josh in bed or crib. We aren't a family bed family except for when Caleb wakes at 4:30 or 5:00 to eat and I'm too tired to sit up and feed him. I take him to bed and nurse there.

After my shower, Josh wakes and showers while I dress and then get Caleb up and dressed. I pump or nurse Caleb one more time before I leave for work. Once Josh is dressed and ready to go, he takes Caleb's bag of clean diapers and Caleb to Amy's Daycare. But not without kisses first! It's easier for us to separate at home.

I then drink a breakfast shake, grab my pump, lunch, school bag, and head out the door. I am at school by 7:20am and teach 3rd and 4th grade. The days fly by and in my "free" time at school I'm pumping. It had been a source of stress since my supply was decreasing, but I've remedied that this week and things are getting better. During that time there's not much I can do, so I whisper sing praise songs. I figure it's a good time to sing some praises for Caleb and milk:)

I leave school at 3:50 and pick up Caleb from Amy's at 4:00. Amy keeps a journal of Caleb's day. It includes his feedings and naps, but also some highlight or story of the day. Today it said that Caleb learned all about tying shoes. She had been reading a book about shoe tying and showing the older two boys. One ran over and said he was going to teach Caleb to tie shoes! He couldn't really do it himself I guess, but he loved instructing Caleb and showing him the rabbit going around the tree! Melts my heart! They love Caleb!

Caleb often falls asleep on the way home for daycare. He's pooped from a full day of playing! If he doesn't, he takes one when I nurse him between 4:30 and 5:00. It's just a quick 20 minute nap.  It makes for a more pleasant evening with him. And often times it allows some time for me to unpack and eat/make supper. We play for a bit and then we have a little cereal/food. I clean up the kitchen while he plays with Daddy or in his highchair. He's usually showing us his giggle and talking to us about his day. Caleb has his bath at about 6:30 and then it's PJs and his final bottle/nursing. He's usually asleep at about 7:30. He's sleeping until 1:00 or 2:00. I feed him, pump, wash the parts, and go back to bed. Alarm is set for 6:11am, but Caleb is usually up for another feeding between 5:00 and 6:00.

Well it's after 10:00 pm and I need to get to bed.

Here are Caleb's 5 month pictures (only a week late!)

4 months
3 months

1 month - yes I skipped 2 month
Look how happy he's been for each picture! I love his smile! Makes me melt!

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