Thursday, July 21, 2011

Go West Young Man

Tonight we are driving through the night to Colorado. Britta, Ryan, and Krista live out there. While we are out there, my parents and sister Lauren are flying in from Korea for a 5 day layover. And my brother is flying from California to MN with a weekend layover in Denver too! So my parents, Britta, Ryan, Krista, Lauren, Garrett, Josh, Caleb, and I will be all together. Just missing Greta & Sean and my brother Zach...otherwise my family would all be together. It's hard to do with that many people and I don't remember that time we achieved it. I think over three years ago!

So we are packing while Daddy works so that we can leave as soon as he gets home. We will be gone for 10 days. This is the longest and furthest away we will have been with Caleb. We hope he travels well and we pack what we need...and not too much or too little.

I don't know if we'll be able to post while we're gone, so we'll see you in 10 days!
We're off! And Caleb is happy:)

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