Thursday, May 17, 2012

For Mother's Day

Hello All,

This is Daddy Miller postin' the latest.
I know that I am late with this but this but....

To all you Mother's out there Happy Mother's Day.

We all know that nothing would get done in the world without you.

Now I'm going to focus on the love of my life, Bri.
Let's take a little walk...
What a difference a year can make.
Last year--> Mother's Day 2011
This year Mother's Day 2012 -->

I said it the day Caleb was born and I will say it again... You are my hero! You have given me so much that I will never be able to repay you.
He might have been screaming in the picture above but he settled into the love you shower him with every day..... That makes him happy
In fact it is hard to find a picture of you two where he is not smiling...
He loves his Mom so much that this is what he looked like when we told him that Bri was going to be gone for the weekend and it was going to be just the Guys....
I wonder where he gets a look like that?

I pray every day that he turns out just like you. Smart, hard working, love of the Lord, and one of the best people I know.

But.... I am seeing that he takes after me in a couple of ways....
No, No Caleb you sit on the chair....
 No, No Caleb that is Woody's kennel...

Caleb has grown to a little boy who is standing on is own.
He is great at impressions.....He does a great Chris Farley - in "Tommy Boy"
And has already had his 2nd hair cut.....

I have always thought we were blessed to have 2 great mothers but now I realize that Caleb is Extremely bless to have you as a mother. Lord only knows where he would be without you....
Probably eating sand....
On a side note I would like to wish a Special Happy New Mother's Day to Jessica & Britta 
   Little Lincoln and Little Kiri are true blessings.

Later Taters,

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