Saturday, August 1, 2015

7 years

Feeling an itch can actually be low-grade pain. So the phrase "7 Year Itch" could be referring to quite some pain! Luckily for me, Josh and I are not feeling any itch. 

Each year our relationship grows, we overcome another hurdle, we love on our children together, and we enjoy the blessings in our lives! Looking over our first seven years, our marriage has been the harbor, not the storm. We've lost family members and grieved together; we added family members and rejoiced together. There was a job change, a basement flood, an upstairs bathroom geyser, and upstairs remodel. We've had hikes in Alaska, Colorado and California. A few weeks and weekends apart, but always anticipating a wonderful homecoming. Our biggest curveballs have been two pregnancies with a nauseous Bri, resulting in three children. But children we prayed for, anticipated, and rejoiced in their arrivals. There have been some highs and lows, but we've had a safe harbor, and truly a happy 7 years! I am so grateful to have been joined in love and purpose with Josh. He is the man and teammate I need and want in life and beyond!

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