Monday Morning Weight Update:
Mollie on Sunday pm was 2397g, which is up 49grams! Current weight 5lbs 4.5oz
William on Sunday pm was 2445g, which is up 31grams! Current weight 5 lbs 6.2oz.
So we are essentially gaining an ounce a day. This morning Mollie has nursed 23mL and 11mL. This morning William nursed 17mL and 25mL. So we are moving forward! We will nurse every other feeding until they are getting 100% nursing, then we'll add in more feedings. On the off feedings we will just do the tube feeding while doing skin to skin. Pretty fun to snuggle:)
Nurse Lisa T is back! I feel by the end of this she may be an honorary grandmother. She knows Mollie and William so well, laughing at their expressions, talking to them as they look around, and rub their backs as they have their feedings. I'm so grateful! And she's great conversation for me:-)
Sue, from lactation, and Nurse Lisa talked to me about leaving the hospital for my mental health. I have honestly been ok staying here, but I'm sure it would help to get a little change in scenery. Everyone is so concerned about me, shocked I haven't had a meltdown. Bedrest prepared me for some of this, and God has totally provided a peace over all of this!
Great Grandpa Alms surprised us with a visit. He came to visit someone else, and stopped by to meet Mollie and William too. He prayed over them with me, ending in the Lord's Prayer. It was pretty precious.
After that feeding I wolfed down my lunch and took a nap. I got about 2 hours! Wonderful again! The nurses take such good care of me.
Nursing in double digit volumes all day:)
About 4:30 Grandpa Gene stopped by and then Oma. Then Josh and Caleb too! I got all my visitors in an hour:-) Caleb snuggled on my lap, and wanted me to come home with him. Josh said when they pull up to the hospital, Caleb starts calling, "Mommy! Mommy!" :-) I will go home tomorrow to spend time with him again! I hope to even pick him up from daycare!
I quickly ate supper and then had one more feeding with Nurse Lisa before she was done with her 12 hour shift. Mollie nursed 20mL and William nursed 17mL. I'm glad we ended on a good feeding and we are over a 1/3 of the way to 50mL per feeding.
Brenda then was out interim evening nurse, before Kris would become our night nurse again, around 11pm. Brenda was wonderful and helped me do a skin to skin session during their tube feeding. She then left and I got 25 minutes of skin to skin with my babies alone. I usually like the conversation with the nurses but I really enjoyed the quiet and then humming in their ears. It is so wonderful to have them together.
I then pumped and went to bed. As I lay in bed I watch Jimmy Fallon, at least the first half. Tina Fet was the guest and they did Lip Flip. That meant they videoed in her lips to Jimmy's face and vice versa. I was dying! It was so funny. I was thinking about posting something on Facebook when my phone buzzed. Josh had text, "Are you watching Fallon." I loved him so much right then. He knew me well enough to know I was watching, and laughing. Despite not being home together we are in sync!
I text back, "I'm dying!! I love Lip Flip! Right now, you texting me, is why you are the love of my life!" Just half hour earlier we were texting about Tuesday plans and I asked him to start a load of laundry and I would do more when hen I got home for the visit Tuesday. He text back, " I can't...I'm asleep already." Seriously, he makes me giggle!!:)
Our night nurse, Kris, is back from last week. We were happy to see her. Our 12:30am feeding was fun. We laughed and talked while Mollie had her best feeding of 43 mL. William did well too with 17mL. Sadly in comparison he didn't get the accolades at first, but then we realized how good it was for him in general and gave love too:)
Back to sleep until the next round:)