This morning we had a visit from my cooperating teacher and friend, Sue Zarn. She came with some adorable girl clothes and cookies:) She got some quality time holding William and it was so good to connect with her! I love when babies get people together!
Then as she was leaving, Barb Overlie stopped briefly to drop off a big box of diapers and adore Mollie and William.
The rest of the morning and early afternoon flew by with a brief nap and trying to organize clothes. I find there are boy clothes, girl clothes, and neutral/matching clothes. I'm not sure how to organize this all...hmmm.
At 3:15pm we had a another Dr Benson appointment. Mollie and William are doing so well now, Dr Benson said he doesn't need to see them again until they are two months old. They have great weight gains this week. We are all so proud of them!
On the way home we stopped by Verizon. Josh and I were due for new phones:) I now have an iPhone5, which means a better camera:-)
Britta and I came home with the babies while Josh did the long process of switching to the new phones. Caleb had been picked up and was with Nana and Papa. Oma was here when we got home. She had vacuumed and done laundry while waiting. She was rewarded with baby snuggles:) She couldn't stay too long just then, but would come back later. Aunt Lauren and her friend Ellen also stopped by for a brief visit.
Britta made a Roasted Butterbut Squash Curry Soup while my colleague and friend, Peggy visited. She brought her daughter and granddaughter with her. Apparently her granddaughter, Ada, can't stop talking about Mollie and William and has been begging to see them. She was so cute with them. Constantly wishing to hold them and touch them.
After Peggy's crew left, about 2 minutes later, Oma came back. She spent the evening ganging out and getting some time with Britta. She and Genecaee leaving tomorrow for the weekend.
The soup was finally done and it was delicious! I will definitely need to make this for our family again.
Josh and Caleb came home at 8pm. It took almost 3 hours at the cell phone store from beginning to end. But it's done and Josh is a trooper!
Tonight Britta stayed and did the 11:30pm feeding, meaning Josh and I could BOTH go to bed. WeI slept in the bed at the same time without babies in the room with us. We just got to snuggle and sleep well. What a gift!!
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