Saturday, March 29, 2014

Weekend News

Saturday was the painting party. Jason brought breakfast and then it was go time. Avery took Caleb outside to play in this beautiful weather. They likely stepped in every land mine of dog poop in our yard, but it's worth the sunshine. 

Jason, Josh, and Nana went upstairs and got to it. After a short time my sister in law, Carrie, came to help me. She snuggled babies, while I got a few things done and then took a 40 minute nap. I got up to feed babies and eat lunch, provided by Jess (Aunt Boogie). She made lasagne without mushrooms and black olives, just for me:) 

After lunch I gave baths to Mollie and Will while Carrie was available to snuggle the opposite one. I hate the idea of giving a bath to one while the other fusses. There's no stopping an infant bath. 
After baths I put Caleb down for a late nap. Then my cousin Denise and Uncle Dennis came to meet the babies. I haven't seen them since the beginning of December. The painters finished and left by 4:30pm, with Dennis and Denise leaving shortly after. 

We hung out as the 5 of us for a bit, and then Josh went to Menards and Lowes to get the supplies to install the banister at the top of the stairs. I feel I 'be started to get a good rhythm with Mollie and William, but adding a busy toddler to the mix left me VERY ready for Josh to come home! It didn't help that there were feedings while he was gone, and those were times Caleb wanted help with something. I think we'll be fine with some more prep and practice, I'm glad Caleb continues to go to Daycare for the time being. 

Josh and I were both tired Saturday night from a big day, but the twins had slept in people's arms most of the time, so they were awake and fussy till about midnight. 
Witching hour from 10-midnight?!

We had a nice Sunday morning. Babies were peaceful so I kicked Josh to the couch with them and took Caleb from his bed for snuggles with me. Cartoons with Caleb in my bed.

Nana came late morning to help while Josh started putting up the banister at the top of the stairs. She gave both Caleb and Josh haircuts and helped with laundry. 

So you know the Charter commercial about the guy dancing and it ends with the father - daughter dance? Caleb saw it while we were playing with blocks on the floor. The commercial ended and he wordless pulled my hands up so I would stand with him. I stood, holding his hands, and he started to dance with me, rocking side to side and slowly in a circle. I let him lead for a bit, then I swooped him up and we twirled. A moment I will treasure all my days!!

After Ruthan left everyone took a Sunday afternoon nap. 

We told Caleb that after his nap we'd go on a walk outside. He woke remembering our words and eagerly jumped around as we got ourselves and the babies ready. This was Mollie and Will's first walk. We walked the trail by our home to the Rasmussen Woods bridge then went back via the park. Caleb was thrilled. He was so happy and he did NOT want to leave. A very unhappy boy was seen being strolled away. 

It was quite evening at home. I love days like this! 


I get a lot of credit. I'm the food supply that doesn't sleep. 

However, I need to give credit where credit is due! My husband — Josh Miller.

Josh is working full time, drops off and picks up Caleb from daycare, comes home and figures out supper, holds fussing babies to give me a break after he has a long day at work, usually does Caleb's bedtime, does the midnight bottle feeding so I can sleep 2.5-3 hours in a bed, does all errands - usually with a toddler in tow, is finishing up the upstairs remodel, just did a deer head mount for his taxidermy side job, and tells me I'm beautiful and amazing - my biggest cheerleader! 

Josh has always needed his sleep, and is not morning person. So him managing all the things listed above, and more, really shows me his dedication and love for our family. It's the day to day things that keep a marriage strong. We could easily be stressed and crumble, but instead we are showing our strength. Do we still need help and support? Absolutely! But the core of our family is strong and it allows our energy to go to our children. I'm so grateful! I love you, Josh Miller! 

Friday night Daddy time:)

Friday, March 28, 2014

Due date

How bizarre to hold my 5 week old daughter and son on their due date. My premies are chunking up and becoming more alert each day. William's cheeks are über kissable and his skin is so soft. Mollie's little nose begs to be kissed! Her hands are dainty and lady-like. I hope she has better nails than me:)

It was a bit of a long day. A lot of holding gassy, growing babies. Lucky for them my heart exploded with love 5 weeks ago and isn't making a recovery. They are stuck with my kisses, my songs, and my calming whispers. 

And Caleb is enjoying the nursing pillow for the iPad :) Good day in the Miller household! 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Approaching due date

After Josh and Caleb left for the day, I slept on the couch for a good nap until the 9:00 AM Feeding. My mom, Oma, came at that time to help. She helped with the feeding, and then I was able to take a nap. At noon I did side lying nursing and then pumped. Pumping is getting a little old. I look forward to dropping that slowly, starting in a month or so. 
Then a friend and church member, Jackie, dropped off an easy lunch and ready to eat snacks for this busy mama. Jackie is also the mother of a student, Noah. He came in with her for the quick visit. He got to see the babies and said, "There are going to be some really jealous people because I got to see the babies." You could tell he was happy about being able to see the babies.

I had a late Lunch of leftovers with Oma and Grandpa Gene. They had held Mollie and Will while I finally showered. 

Oma and Grandpa left and I got a nap on the couch. I woke when Caleb and Josh came home. A good hour!

Papa and Nana came to visit. Papa is leaving for work and will be gone for over a week. He needed his Mollie & Will fix. 

Caleb had fun building robots with Duplos. It is wonderful to see his play become more intentional and specific. He is really an individual. So fun to witness his development. 

Caleb dressed in a sleepy, snuggly state. I enjoy the mornings it works for me to wake him . As I open the door he sings, "Hi Mom!" And I chime, "Hi Caleb," back. It's our thing. 

Alyssa, a babysitter on spring break,  came to snuggle babies. I also had a Home Health appointment. Home health nurse, Gloria, also has twins, 1 boy and 1 girl. Also a son three years older. We had lots to think about. We weighed the babes. 
William 7lbs 5 oz, up 9 ounces from Friday at Dr Benson's office. 
Mollie 7 pounds even, up 10 ounces.

Cousin Josie came to snuggle babies this afternoon. We each had a babe on a couch. I got a 20 min snooze on the couch, nursed, and then we had bath time. Josie left me with sleeping babies so I took care of bills, some email, sorted mail, and a load of laundry started. I had a taste of the old normal life.
Josh and Caleb came home. Caleb brought home a painting and told me all the colors.

Caleb then wanted some snuggles. "Sit with you mommy?! My bruder? So cute!" Each time he comes up to the babies he gently strokes their head and says in a 'baby voice', "So cute..." Adorable!

Josh not feeling the best. He needs more sleep. 

Oma came again so I could get some good sleep. Thank goodness for Spring Break!! 
Josie came again at noon to snuggle with Mollie this time. 
Aunt Carrie, Josie's mom, came with lunch for us. Then I was able to shower! 
My friend Heather brought us a meal. I love egg bake! It makes me think of Easter at Bernadotte. 
Aunt Boogie stopped after work bearing gifts. Here are some pictures she took.
Josh says William looks like a Tibetan monk; a Dali Lama in training. :)

Tonight Caleb wore Captain America pajamas, which made it easy to go to bed. We "flew" to bed and just like that he was in bed and tucked in with prayers and kisses. 

William and Mollie had a rough evening of fussiness. Our patience tested. We held out and made it sanely through the night. 

So long, Farewell,...

The five Millers snuggled on the couch this morning. Babies fed and burped, Caleb snuggled and fed breakfast. We slowly woke, all in the same room. Britta came in the door about 9am with an agenda of things to get done and babies to kiss. She would be leaving by 1:00, so time suddenly felt extremely quick and sneaky. 

Britta did a thorough cleaning of the stove top and counter next to it. Love a clean kitchen! Then we took some great pictures of the kids.

About noon I made Britta a little lunch and then it was time for hugs goodbye. Caleb of course made it a game of tickles and tackling instead of a sweet hug.  

I drove her back to Land to Air depot. The next time we hug in person will likely be our sister Greta's wedding in September. Until then it will be Skype. I'm so grateful she came and she got this time with our children.  

My Aunt Bev, Gene's sister, came to visit this afternoon. She had cute gifts and arms ready to hold babies. She got Mollie and Will a gift to grow in to, jackets inspired from the yearly Rendezvous in Albert Lea. So cute! It was sweet of her to come and so good to see her! 

The rest of the day Mollie and Will wanted to be held. It's like they knew help had left, Caleb wanted to play, and Josh as in the basement working on a taxidermy deadline. But they are too cute to get upset. It just meant limited naps. Josh did come up every couple hours to help and give me a break.

Finally it was night and everyone slept quite well. 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Saturday News

**Side note, this all happened with the NCAA basketball tournament on in the background:)

Uroma and Great Grandpa Harjes came to visit at 9am. Caleb loves Great Grandpa Bill. They played PlayDough together for awhile. When it was time to go, without prompting ran up to give Great Grandpa a hug. It was very sweet! 

After they left, I got an hour nap. Meanwhile Britta dusted our china buffet. Wonderful!! When I woke it was pointed out to me that I must time travel, or at least pump in the future. See the one that doesn't belong?:) Need another nap?!

Aunt Greta came about 1:00 bearing gifts. She brought a bear and whale stuffed animals for Mollie and William. She also brought me a Mommy Organizer book. 

A little later Uncle Garrett and Aunt Kayla arrived and brought lunch. They had sloppy joes, a veggie tray, chips, beans, and Rice Krispie bars. They stayed for an afternoon visit, loving every minute of baby time.  

After nursing Mollie  this afternoon I used my new camera phone to make use of the great light coming through the window. I'm loving this picture.0

Britta made a delicious spaghetti sauce for supper with plenty to spare for our freezer. Yum! Lauren joined us for supper. From there she went to visit Great Grandpa Alms in the hospital. He was admitted today with a compression fracture in his back. He will be fine, but being restricted is not easy for this 91 year old grandpa. 

Caleb had a lot of energy due to a late nap. Thank goodness Britta was up for some play time! It of course coincided with nursing. This will be harder when we don't have as much help. Here's William snuggled after nursing. 

Today I mentioned to Britta what is covered in the article below. I just happened to see it posted on a friend's Facebook page today. We are blessed with many family and friends nearby, which many offer to help. Sometimes it's hard to ask for help and sometimes it's hard to think about what would be easy enough or helpful to help with at the time of the offer. My brain confuses left and right at the present time!:) I really liked this list (Miller family modified), and hope to pay it forward soon. 


After the Birth, what a family needs

Modified list: 

1. Buy us toilet paper, milk and beautiful whole grain bread.

2. Buy us a new garbage can with a swing top lid.

3. Make us a big supper salad with feta cheese, toasted almonds, organic green crispy things and a nice homemade dressing on the side. Drop it off and leave right away. Or, buy us frozen lasagna, garlic bread, a bag of salad, a big jug of juice, and maybe some cookies to have for dessert. Drop it off and leave right away.

4. Come over about 2 in the afternoon, hold the baby while I have a hot shower, put me to bed with the baby and then fold all the piles of laundry that have been dumped on the couch, beds or in the room corners. If there’s no laundry to fold yet, do some.

5. Come over at l0 a.m., make me eggs, toast and an orange. Clean my fridge and throw out everything you are in doubt about. Don’t ask me about anything; just use your best judgment.

6. Put a sign on my door saying “Babies sleeping. Please knock. Or arrange a time to visit."

7. Come over in your work clothes and vacuum and dust my house and then leave quietly. It’s tiring for me to chat and have tea with visitors but it will renew my soul to get some rest knowing I will wake up to clean, organized space.

8. Take my older kid(s) for a really fun-filled afternoon to a park, zoo or Science World and feed them healthy food.

9. Come over and give my husband a two hour break so he can go to a coffee shop, pub, hockey rink or some other r & r that will delight him. Fold more laundry.

10. Make me a giant pot of vegetable soup and clean the kitchen completely afterwards. Take a big garbage bag and empty every trash basket in the house and reline with fresh bags.

These are the kindnesses that new families remember and appreciate forever. It’s easy to spend money on gifts but the things that really make a difference are the services for the body and soul described above. Most of your friends and family members don’t know what they can do that won’t be an intrusion. They also can’t devote 40 hours to supporting you but they would be thrilled to devote 4 hours. If you let 10 people help you out for 4 hours, you will have the 40 hours of rested, adult support you really need with a newborn in the house. There’s magic in the little prayer “I need help.”


Saturday, March 22, 2014

Break from the Doctor

Friday, March 21, 2014

This morning we had a visit from my cooperating teacher and friend, Sue Zarn. She came with some adorable girl clothes and cookies:) She got some quality time holding William and it was so good to connect with her! I love when babies get people together! 

Then as she was leaving, Barb Overlie stopped briefly to drop off a big box of diapers and adore Mollie and William. 

The rest of the morning and early afternoon flew by with a brief nap and trying to organize clothes. I find there are boy clothes, girl clothes, and neutral/matching clothes. I'm not sure how to organize this all...hmmm.

At 3:15pm we had a another Dr Benson appointment. Mollie and William are doing so well now, Dr Benson said he doesn't need to see them again until they are two months old. They have great weight gains this week. We are all so proud of them!

On the way home we stopped by Verizon. Josh and I were due for new phones:) I now have an iPhone5, which means a better camera:-)

Britta and I came home with the babies while Josh did the long process of switching to the new phones. Caleb had been picked up and was with Nana and Papa. Oma was here when we got home. She had vacuumed and done laundry while waiting. She was rewarded with baby snuggles:) She couldn't stay too long just then, but would come back later. Aunt Lauren and her friend Ellen also stopped by for a brief visit. 

Britta made a Roasted Butterbut Squash Curry Soup while my colleague and friend, Peggy visited. She brought her daughter and granddaughter with her. Apparently her granddaughter, Ada, can't stop talking about Mollie and William and has been begging to see them. She was so cute with them. Constantly wishing to hold them and touch them. 

After Peggy's crew left, about 2 minutes later, Oma came back. She spent the evening ganging out and getting some time with Britta. She and Genecaee leaving tomorrow for the weekend. 

The soup was finally done and it was delicious! I will definitely need to make this for our family again. 

Josh and Caleb came home at 8pm. It took almost 3 hours at the cell phone store from beginning to end. But it's done and Josh is a trooper! 

Tonight Britta stayed and did the 11:30pm feeding, meaning Josh and I could BOTH go to bed. WeI slept in the bed at the same time without babies in the room with us. We just got to snuggle and sleep well. What a gift!!


Thursday, March 20, 2014

Hump day & sister time

Wednesday was one month until Caleb is 3! I am so proud of the big brother he is. He gently pats their heads and is full of concern when they cry. Caleb is also just a great little boy! He snuggles, loves toy robots, obsessed with the show Paw Patrol, is proud to put stickers on his potty chart, has the best bed head each morning, and insists on giving me kisses;) I love him more now that I have more children. Love grows! 

Wednesday morning I made sleep a priority. What a difference it made in my entire day. I was a new woman! The day went smoothly but I didn't get a shower in. Oh well. The house has a bit more clutter again, but oh well! 

At 8:15pm I picked up my big sister, Britta, from the Mankato Land to Air Depot. She flew in from Colorado for a long weekend. I'm so grateful for her taking time away from her family to help mine. And she's thrilled to have baby snuggles! She's staying overnight at our sister Lauren's house. 

The night was a bit of a hit and miss with sleeping babies. Not awful but sleep wasn't sound for any of us. By 5:30am I needed help with the feeding and needed to call on Josh. I was beat and they were hungry at the same time. 

Britta arrived just shy of 9am. I got a short nap and showered before our lactation appointment. Feeling good! Meanwhile Britta got some good snuggles in:)

Britta dropped us off at the hospital and then ran errands. At the lactation appointment Mollie and Will nursed great and gained great! Mollie nursed 56mL and Will 74mL!! What a peace of mind. When we left the hospital Will had rarely nursed over 50, and now a week later he's transferring over 70! Proud Mama! Mollie now weighs 6lbs 7.2oz, and William weighs 6lbs 9.9oz. 

Mollie and William are 1 month old, exactly 4 weeks old! They are growing and becoming more alert. They also enjoy being by one another. If one fusses and I pick the one up, in about 10 minutes the other one realizes he/she is alone and fusses too. We still keep them wrapped pretty well to maintain their temperature. They each have the cutest sneezes and hiccups. Mollie has shorts bursts of crying when she's upset, whereas William can get on a roll of cries. Mollie raises one pinky when eating and sometimes sleeping. Truly makes her a little lady.  Will likes to hold his Nuk as he sucks on it. Pretty cute!

We all came home and napped. We were exhausted. Then we quick had baths and fed babies. The MonsonAlms started arriving. We were having a family meal at our house so everyone could see Britta and babes. Gene and Mom provided Dickey's BBQ. It was delicious! Around the table was Britta, Gene, Zach, Lauren, Josh, Caleb, and me. My mom came a little later due to school conferences. 

As we were wrapping up dinner, William stirred and started fussing. Josh tried to calm him but Will was not having it. He had just sucked down a huge bottle, so I knew he wasn't hungry. It was 7:00 so I wondered if the 'witching hour' phase hadn't begun. He didn't want the Nuk but he was mouthy, so I did ask Josh to warm just a little milk. William took three swallows of the bottle and spit it out. So I ended up side-lie nursing and bam, all was well. It wasn't a rigorous feeding, but you could sense his feeling of security and calmness. That's something I just love about nursing. :-)

Eventually we rejoined the family in the living room. Uncle Zach had been enjoying Mollie snuggles, so I passed a calm Will to Grandpa Gene. I got to play with Caleb. While I had been gone, Auntie Britta had given him a Big Brother present of a Transformer. He is a fan of robots, so this was a big hit. 

The evening wound down and we ended with watching Marshall Bjorklund playing in the NCAA March Madness basketball tournament. We know his family from my Gaylord childhood days. Britta and his older sister Tara get together in Colorado sometimes. His team, N. Dakota, won against Oklahoma. It was an exciting game that went into overtime. 

Despite an exciting game and feeling quite awake, it was my chance to get sleep. You know how low you are on sleep when it only takes 10 minutes for one to fall asleep from all that excitement.

Mollie and William slept well between each feeding. Let's hope this keeps up!  

Bed head

Caleb's hair can be perfectly combed or dry when going to bed, but it doesn't matter. This kid wakes with the best bed head!
And with a flash: 
He makes me smile every morning!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

New week

Monday, March 17
Happy St Patrick's Day! Not a single family member wore green. Whoops! This morning I was very tired. Caleb hung out on the couch with me while Josh showered, but I was in and out of sleep. Josh then got Caleb dressed and I drifted into deeper sleep. So deep that I didn't hear them say goodbye and leave. Josh text that Caleb said bye bye and then followed with, "Night night Mommy."

I had planned to shower while Josh was still here each morning but I was beat this morning. After a feeding, I was able to take a quick shower while Mollie and William slept. Such Good babies all morning. Mollie just wanted to be held. William liked the swing.

Gene stopped at 1:00 with food and some time to hold William for a bit. Then my mom came to help load Mollie and William for their Dr Benson appointment. She came a little early and in that time she changed a load of laundry, crushed cans, and changed a diaper. Super Oma knows how to jump in!! 

I needed assistance at the beginning of the appointment because the appointment was right after a feeding and I knew I'd have paperwork to fill out. So while I registered,  my mom (Oma) bottle fed Mollie, and when I did paperwork she helped feed William too. She then had to jet back to work. But no worries, receptionist Lindsay loves my kids! Lindsay has loved Caleb since his first doctor's visit. She was thrilled to meet these two. 

We got called back and it was Nurse Katie's, and the other nurses, turn to dote on them. We weighed them, albeit a different scale than the hospital, and we had mixed feelings. 
William: 6lbs 6.4 oz
Mollie: 6lbs even 
I was pleased with Will's weight, but not Mollie's. It confirmed my suspicion that I should do less tandem nursing for now.  I was concerned that the latch is a little more awkward for them and therefore they wouldn't get the amount needed. With both nursing it's also more difficult for me to judge how well they nursed. 

When Dr Benson came in he was shocked I was alone, but I assured him I had help earlier. Dr Benson supported my decision to do less tandem nursing in order to give more attention to the one baby nursing. It might take longer, but better for babies. He recommended I see lactation again midweek and then him again on Friday for a weight check. We'll have frequent visits for awhile. 
Ready to go home:

We got back home and I pumped right away. Then I tried to nap but I'd lay down and one would stir, get them back to sleep, I would lay down, and then the other would stir. Eventually Josh and Caleb came home. Caleb is very helpful at offering the babies their pacifiers. It's pretty cute, although we have to keep an eye because sometimes they don't want it and Caleb wants them to want it;)

At about 6:15, Uroma (Great Grandma Harjes) came to visit with a crockpot of chili and a tuperware of muffins. She had the beginnings of a cold when she and Great Grandpa Bill came to the hospital, so she didn't hold them then. She was eager to hold them now. She held a baby the entire time, about 2 hours. She was so in love.

As she left I was nursing and afterward I laid down for the first shift of night's sleep while Josh stayed awake. He would bottle feed them at 11:30 and wake me after to pump and then I would stay out with Mollie and William. The system seems to work well. Josh is able to get enough sleep to be alert at work, ...with the help of coffee. :) 

I woke at 5:00 not feeling well. My tummy had been gurgling for the last couple hours and I had run to the bathroom twice. I woke Josh for help with that feeding, and then text Oma and Nana to help at some point in the day. It worked perfectly. Oma was able to do some paperwork from our house in the morning and at noon, Nana was able to take over.
Oma came at 9 and while I finished nursing she folded two baskets of clean laundry and put away the kids' clothes, threw in another load, and straightened up. Bless her. It made my going to bed for a solid 1.5 hour nap much easier. Before going to sleep I did call lactation to describe my symptoms and to ask what care is necessary to least effect my milk supply.

 At 11:30 Oma brought Mollie in to nurse and we did side-lying nursing. She brought Will in too because she needed to get to a meeting. We propped him and I was able to bottle feed him once he squeaked while nursing Mollie. About 15 min after Oma left, Nana arrived. She was able to burp Will while I finished nursing Mollie. I then pumped and she snuggled with the babies, and I went back to bed. 

Two glorious 1.5 hour naps back to back and I was feeling much better. I changed diapers and discovered William had poop nearly up to his armpit. Officially a blowout! I could barely take his clothes off without getting it everywhere. But I was glad he pooped. These babes tend to poop every other day or so. By the second, and sometimes third, I am praying for poop. I'm told not to worry and their poop is typical, but I like 'regular' digestion and diapers:)

Nana left at 2:30 and after that feeding I was even able to sneak another 30 minute nap on the couch before Josh and Caleb came home. 

Josh is so good to me. He gave me most of the evening off. We ate, I showered, and went to bed! I woke to nurse. I took over at midnight to cover the late night portion. I slept well and Josh had all three kiddos! For the 8:00 feeding he sent Caleb to get me. Caleb came in the room to snuggle with me but eventually I just got up because I could hear William begging to be fed:) Caleb didn't exactly relay the message. 

Josh has been a trooper with me through this enormous transition. He's taken it all on and been a loving, adoring daddy and husband. I'm so blessed we are in this together. 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

First weekend home

Saturday, March 15, 2014
I was tired this morning, so luckily Josh let me sleep/lounge on the couch while he got Caleb dressed. Once dressed, Caleb snuggled with me on the couch. 
The dry wall guy came at 8:00 to finish the upstairs. Thank goodness that step is done and we are on our way to painting! It's starting to come together!

My coworker and friend, Elisha, offered to make us a cake after the twins were born. She makes beautiful specialty cakes, so I immediately thought of Caleb's Big Brother Party we wanted to throw him. It's just for our immediate family, but having a 'party' recognizes Caleb in a time that can easily be all about the babies. We also had Will and Mollie 'buy' Caleb a present, so we really needed a cake to complete the occasion. I gave her a few ideas of what Caleb is into right now for themes of the cake, but gave her creative license. Elisha dropped off the Big Brother cake with her two daughters. She went out on a limb, and chose our blog theme, "Catch of a Lifetime." So clever and of course Caleb would enjoy the fishing theme. We kept the cake secret while Elisha and her daughters met and held Mollie and William. 

We had eaten pancakes for brunch, so I didn't feel cake would ruin lunch. When Elisha left, I quickly wrapped Caleb's gift, and we had his party. Caleb loves cake and birthdays so he was very excited about the cake. He wanted to sing Happy Birthday at first but we kind of explained to him it was just a party for him, not a birthday. We did blow out candles though, since Caleb pretends to blow out candles in all play situations and in any book with a cake. Then Caleb opened his present from Mollie and Will, which was a Lightning McQueen race track. He was quite excited about it! Finally we cut cake and ate a piece each. It was delicious; a French vanilla cake with a chocolate mousse layer!

After cake it was time to nurse and for Caleb to take a nap. Josh laid down too, asking for just 20 minutes, but I gave him an hour. He woke up with a start and seemed very groggy. As we walked out from the bedroom to the living room he said,  "One of us isn't going to make it." He makes me laugh. 

Next was my turn for a nap. Aunt Boogie and Lincoln were here when Caleb and I woke up. It was great to see them. Although it is hard to share toys when you just wake up. Caleb struggled, but we made it. They had some good cousin time. After awhile, Aunt Boogie and Lincoln left to go shopping with Nana & Papa. After they were done shopping, Nana and Papa picked us up supper and brought it back to the house. They needed their baby snuggles for the day too.

After eating I quick cleaned and vacuumed the living room while Mollie and William were snuggled. Nana and Papa left and then Caleb got a bath and put to bed. Josh had caffeine too late in the day and couldn't sleep, but I had to be up for the next feeding anyway. It felt like a wasted sleep opportunity. 

I washed my pumping supplies and started washing supper dishes when Josh and I had our first sleep-deprived argument. Luckily our disagreements are short lived, and when we took a deep breath we realized we were talking about different things when we were disagreeing. Clearly I just needed some sleep, so I went to bed. I got a couple hours in bed, and then I went out to the living room for the 3:30 feeding and Josh went to bed. I gave him until after 8:00am to sleep (almost 5 hours). I'm such a good wife:-) 

Sunday (early morning)
The night feedings went well and I am able to tandem nurse unassisted now. Been doing it the last two nights and I'm very proud of myself. Although it is hard to gauge how well they nurse when they are nursing at the same time and the latches are a little different.

Mollie was quiet but awake in my arms after the 3:30 feeding. She was less quiet when she wasn't in my arms. But she would snuggle in quietly and look up at me so innocently when I held her. So cute!

The 6:30am feeding went well and at the end I heard Caleb wake so I got him. He asked, "Time to get up?" "Yep, buddy! Let's go snuggle." "Okay Mommy." He woke up with what I call Nana Hair:)

I got Caleb a little breakfast and then snuggled in with William and Caleb on the couch. Finally Caleb needed a little more to eat so I had him wake Daddy at about 8:15am. Josh needs his sleep, where as I can go on very little. I am glad to give him sleep, so that the day goes well, and he feels better. He took a shower and then it was my turn. 
I hang my robe and towel on the back of our bedroom door. I grabbed my towel but my robe wasn't there. I looked around the room for a minute and was about to ask Josh if he had seen it, when I realized.... I was wearing it! Yikes! Sleep deprived:)

After my shower Josh and Caleb left to run errands, and my friend Angela Bruns, and two of her daughters, came to visit and hold babies. It was the perfect length visit where I got to interact with another adult, but could then nurse and take a rest in private. Thanks Angela! 

Josh and Caleb came home shortly after Angela left. Caleb walked in and enthusiastically said, "Hi Mom! (Pause) I'm happy!" I told him I was glad he is happy. He really has been happy. He is quick to celebrate things, even things like what we are eating. For example, Josh said, "Caleb, do you want pancakes?" Caleb responds dramatically, "Pancakes?! Yea! Pancakes!" He then skips into the kitchen. He is precious! 

While we had lunch, Britta and Kiri Skyped with me. My sister Britta is flying in from Colorado later this week to help out. I'm looking forward to her visit. 

After lunch Caleb napped, I nursed, and Josh cleaned out the freezer in the basement. After nursing and accomplishing 1 task, and took about a 30 minute nap before the next feeding. I did take a couple pictures before sleeping though. 

See Josh was cleaning the freezer so we'd have room for milk. A lot of milk. Right now I'm ahead by quite a lot. I realize it won't really last long but I didn't pump with Caleb at this age so this is foreign to me. Below is a picture of what we brought home from the hospital, each column being a day. The 2nd picture is the extra I've pumped in the 5 days of being home. This is why Dr Benson called me a milk producing fool:)

After Caleb's nap we snuggled on the couch again. He loves his sleepy snuggles and I'll give them as long as he wants them. Then Caleb decided he wanted to go swimming. Sadly that was not in the plans, so instead I filled the bath tub. He had a LONG swim in the tub:)

Then Mollie and William had their first bath at home. Both loved it. Success.

Super was light and we all just had some down time with a little TV and reading to Caleb. Then Daddy swung Caleb up into his arms to go to bed. They were just about out of the room when Caleb demanded to come back to give me a kiss:) Seriously love this kid!!

The rest of the evening and now into the night truly becomes a blur of nursing, burping, pumping, washing pumping supplies, swaddling, and napping. I hardly remember the hospital anymore. It seems we have been on this wash, rinse, and repeat cycle for quite some time already at home. Funny how life changes so quickly. 

My takeaways from this weekend are:
1. Caleb is happy!
2. I need to shower daily. A shower feels like the equivalent of two hours of sleep.
3. Mollie and William have adjusted well to home.
4. I'm getting sick of pumping after every feeding. 
5. Catch of a lifetime really is a great theme for our blog/our family. So incredibly blessed to be caught with this group!