If anyone knows Josh, they know he isn't the most patient man. He is the kind of guy that likes to give the present as soon as he buys it, or even before he buys it! I honestly can't believe he had my engagement ring as long as he did before proposing. Josh has wanted to open his "present" since the first ultrasound. He can't wait for this baby and to become a daddy! I've been pretty patient for Baby Miller, up until Wednesday. I had my check up with the nurse practitioner again (2nd time in a row) since my doctor has been out of the office for the last two weeks. I was ready to go in and have her tell me I should just stay since I was so dilated, but alas, that was not my fate. She also struggled checking me so it was a less than confident result and overall appointment. The next day I was very uncomfortable and felt a lot of pressure. I am slow getting up now. Baby is definitely low.Josh and my pillow talk right now usually starts with, "I just want the baby now." We'll see when God decides the right "now" is. I just know my body and its ability to find a comfortable sleeping/sitting position is praying that it is sooner rather than later.
Thank you for the prayers, encouraging comments and fb messages. We just can't wait!
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