Saturday, April 2, 2011

Week 37

37 weeks and the countdown is definitely on. I have been feeling well, but now my body is starting to lose stamina and ache in places that are difficult to comfort. Today I was driving to a friend's house while listening to an old mix of Christian praise songs I'd burned. The song "In the Secret" came on and I started to cry. 

Chorus says:
I want to know you
I want to see your face
I want to know you more
I want to touch you
I want to hear your voice
I want to know you more

I don't know how sacrilegious it is to make a song about God into a song about me, but I felt the words were prefect for how I was feeling about Baby Miller. I truly can't wait to see our baby's face or hear his/her cry and voice. I have known Baby Miller only by my instinct and physical reactions. Soon I will know Baby Miller through sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste through kisses. I can't wait! I'm ready to hold my baby!

In preparation I washed down and dusted every surface in our bedroom today, where the baby will be sleeping in a bassinet to start. Josh is nesting in an industrial way. He has built more shelving in the garage and is giving it a total overhaul. Tomorrow he will finish up while I give the rest of the house a semi-thorough cleaning :)

Counting down...three weeks to go (or sooner?) Comment with your guess of the baby's arrival (date and time), gender, weight, and length if you haven't already. And don't guess anything over 10lbs or past April 23, or you'll be sorry ;)


  1. I'm going to guess April 22 (because it's my hubby's birthday), boy, 8lbs, 6oz and 21" long. Enjoy your last few weeks (or less) of pregnancy!

  2. Amanda, let me know the time of day and where you are from and I'll enter you into the official pool.
