I was tired Monday morning. Thank goodness Ur Oma came! She worked hard at holding babies to give me a nap:) So very appreciated!
Ur Oma was able to stay until 11:00. Like when she was there, the rest of the day felt like a relay or tag team between Mollie and William. It was a 'busy' day.
Monday night was such a gift! My friend, Kayla, came after my evening nursing at about 8:45. She then stayed with babies so Josh and I could both go to bed. WONDERFUL! Per usual this time of night, they had a bit of fussiness but she handled it.
April 8
Tuesday morning I finished a feeding about the same time as Caleb woke up, so I got him ready. I put his PJs away as Caleb ran out of his room and into the living room. Then I heard him run into the kitchen and call out, "Will?" Then Caleb ran back in to his bedroom.
Caleb was obviously concerned about Will. "Where's Will?!" He exclaimed. I said, "He's in the bouncy seat."
I walked him out to the living room. See usually both babies are in the pack n play or in my arms in the morning. I showed him Will in the bouncy seat. He looked relieved and said, "Oh cute!" He's such a great big brother.
I had a 9am doctor's appointment, so I packed babies up after a quick early feeding and arrived on time. Key words: on time. I was proud of myself:) Greta, my sister, met me at the clinic to help in case babies needed assistance during the exam. Dr T was his joyful and energetic self. Afterwards I stopped by to see Sue D, our fertility specialist, too. I thanked her for helping us get them here. She was excited to see them. She teared up. Mollie & Will slept through it all. I decided to take advantage of their sleepiness so I went to the bank's drive thru to deposit a check. They were still sleeping so I carried their car seats in to Liv Aveda for an eye brow wax. Everyone stopped and said they were cute:) I felt like super woman carrying two car seats through the salon:) I got home and nursed two hungry babies after a big morning!
Today we also went to School, my work. Many of the staff had yet to meet Mollie and Will, so we went to them, especially to see Marcia. In another week or two I will take them to meet the students, but I' slowly taking them out and introducing them to people/germs:)
The afternoon flew by. Then we were blessed with supper provided by Tricia from Multiple Blessings. Multiple Blessings is a group of moms with multiples. It's great to have support!
This evening Mollie and William had one more excursion, Book Club! I even read the book, Wishing on Willows. It was great to go out, talk about something other than babies, but still enjoy them. There were happy holders too:)
Wednesday 9th
Nana came to help this morning. Always grateful for any assistance! Caleb receives speech services through the school district, so we had a meeting this morning as we approach his third birthday. Caleb is doing exceedingly well, and such a cooperative and hard worker. We're very proud of the progress he has made.
Early this afternoon, the home health nurse Gloria came to do a weight check.
William is 9lbs 2.5oz, up 12.5 oz from last week.
Mollie is 8lbs 5 oz, up 8 oz. Both had great gains!
After Gloria left we had a feeding and then head to Oma's work. Boy was that office happy to hold cute and healthy little babies. We were there for about an hour going office to office.
Margerithe, a woman from church, pulled in the driveway after us as we got home. She brought us supper and gifted very cute burp clothes. She made jello jugglers that spelled Mollie, William, Caleb, Mom, and Dad. So very sweet and delicious! Caleb loved eating a majority of them!!
Oma was here for the evening as well helping with things and holding babies as Josh worked upstairs.
Today we had a Lactation appointment at 11:00 with Sue S. We did a tandem nursing and measured how much was transferred. They did well, but not as much as we give when we bottle them. I wanted to check. However the more we tandem nurse, the better they will get it.
Afterwards we met with our nurse, Lisa, in the waiting room. She was happy to see both Molly and William, and get the chance to hold Will. He really has chunked up since we left the hospital!
Next we did our first Target run. We ran into a fellow mother of multiples I have met through Mankato's Multiple Blessings group. We were also stopped to talk about my twins by two completely random people. Something I've been told to get used to:)
On the way out another mom was pushing a stroller with a young baby girl. I asked her how old her daughter was and we found out our babies were born one day apart, both in Mankato. We joked we will find each other again in ECFE and kindergarten.
We got home and they were hungry. I figured I would settle Mollie since she was content, and quick feed Will since he was being vocal about being hungry. Well Mollie wasn't so quickly laid down. I picked her up and found Poop!
We went for a family walk down the trail and to the park tonight.
Hungry William tonight! These babies are growing!
Friday, April 11
Michelle, our church's nursery director stopped this morning to hold babies while I took a deluxe shower. One where I had time to shave my legs, shampoo AND condition my hair! Woohoo:) I'm so grateful for these acts of kindness!
Grandpa and Oma stopped for an hour before going out to eat, and got snuggles in.
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