I did not sleep well Wednesday night. Pressure changed and it was very difficult to move and walk. I wasn't having contractions I could feel though. I called to schedule my follow up blood pressure check at 8:30am. I asked to talk to the nurse to describe the pressure/pain change and she recommended I see Dr Taylor at the same time as my blood pressure check. So I went to the clinic at 9:30 for my appointment. It was sunny and fairly mild, but a blizzard was on the way. Streets were already icy in spots from yesterday's melt. On the way to the appointment I got a text from Josh at 9:11 "Keep me posted ASAP. My gut is telling me it's go time..." I responded, " I will keep my phone on me and not on vibrate:) I love you."
My blood pressure was back to normal when the nurse checked, 118/68. Pulse 77. I text Josh the results and he responded:
9:28 "Good girl. Maybe your heart just needed tacos." (Supper the night before.)
9:29 "and oles."
I responded 9:29 ";-D"
As I walked to the exam room with the nurse, Dr Talor was in the hall. He said, "This worked out. I was supposed to be in Fairmont today, but due to the weather stayed. You're my only patient today. In the exam room Dr Taylor checked to see if my water had broken, and it hadn't. Then he checked my cervix. I was 6+cm! His nurse Sarah, smiled and clapped. He said, "We'll take you over to labor and deliver to monitor, but I would say you're in labor." I got dressed and left Josh a voicemail. Then I text him:
9:46 I'm at 6+.
9:48 It's go time.
One of the nurses, Jen, came in and wished me luck. She was excited for me. Then Nurse Sarah came with the wheel chair to go to the hospital. Dr. Taylor said he'd push me over. On the way he explained that I would be delivering in the operating room in case there needed to be an emergency extraction on Baby B. He explained there would be a nurse for each baby and me, an ultrasound machine and tech, the hospital pediatrician, and the anthesiologist just in case. Plus him, Josh, and me:) It sounded like a full room and it was, but more on that later.
They got me settled me into a room, found the babies on the fetal heart monitors, and at 10:10 Dr Taylor broke my water. He said, "And now you're committed." Babies would be coming!
10:20 Josh walked in the room. He had a grabbed a few things at home so we were set, for awhile any way. My contractions started to grow in intensity slowly at first, but things gained momentum. Dr a Taylor checked me and said I was at a 9 and just about complete so they should start transporting me to the operating room, again just as a precaution. It was about 11:50am. I close my eyes during contractions, so I just kept my eyes shut as Josh was given scrubs, nurses were in and out, and suddenly my bed was moving. The operating room was full of people and equipment. The nurses were all very encouraging and excited for me and the babies. We really had excellent care. I was still on my side breathing through contractions when Dr Taylor leaned over and said, "By the way, if this helps, you're going for the gold."
Josh was on my left side holding my hand, while I had a nurse with holding each leg. I had lots of coaches but I listened mostly for Josh to chant "Go, go, go..." And then for Dr. Taylor to tell me to stop. I pushed three times during a contraction, had a small break, and then pushed three more time during the next contraction.
It was 12:22 and Dr Taylor said, "We have a girl." Mollie Norma was born. They wiped off on my chest, gave me a chance to look her over, and then taken to the warmer.
Dr. Taylor then broke my second sac of water and contractions started right up. Again I pushed three times through the first contraction, got a very brief break and then pushed twice in the second contraction and was told to stop.
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Mollie Norma |
Dr. Taylor then broke my second sac of water and contractions started right up. Again I pushed three times through the first contraction, got a very brief break and then pushed twice in the second contraction and was told to stop.
It was 12:38 and Dr. Taylor said, "And a boy!" William Mark is born. They also wiped him off on my chest, and then they took him to the warmer since he wasn't too active.
Josh stayed by my side the entire time. Even though labor was done, I was in a lot of pain as my uterus immediately started contracting and cramping. It's a very healthy thing, but it made me grit my teeth. No pain meds up until then, but I could have used some then. My left hip ached too. Luckily Josh kept me grounded and I was able to make it just fine. During this time both placentas were birthed and I needed no stitching.
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William Mark |
Josh stayed by my side the entire time. Even though labor was done, I was in a lot of pain as my uterus immediately started contracting and cramping. It's a very healthy thing, but it made me grit my teeth. No pain meds up until then, but I could have used some then. My left hip ached too. Luckily Josh kept me grounded and I was able to make it just fine. During this time both placentas were birthed and I needed no stitching.
Within 10 minutes I had both babies on my chest, snuggling. Wow! I can't even write about what that felt like. I think I even said something like, "Whoa, I just had two babies!" To be honest I was proud of myself and them for being so healthy already. No oxygen needed or anything!
Babies went to the nursery to stay under warmers. Their temps were a little low, especially Will's, but not dangerous. I went back to my room for recovery. I asked for some Motrin and the nurse was quick to ask the pharmacy for me. Those cramps were kind of kicking my butt. My mom came about 1:30 to help with recovery and adore her grandbabies. Nurses came in to tell me Will's blood sugar was a little low so I tried to express colostrum, but didn't really get any. They gave him just a little formula to boost his numbers and it worked well.
Weighed the babies. Here are their stats:
Mollie Norma weighed 5lb 10.6oz, 19 inches long
Head 13 1/4", Chest 12"
William Mark weighed 5lbs 12.4oz, 20 1/2 inches long
Head 13", Chest 11 1/2"
Babies were warm enough to come to the room and they weighed each baby and then together. I will post later the picture of the two on the scale. Little Mollie put her foot in her brother's neck. Josh and my mom were giggling.
We moved rooms about 3:30 and on the way visited the babies in the nursery. My cramping was finally more at a minimum and I could just bask in how cute my little ones were. While in the nursery, my friend and colleague, Robin, stopped with her daughter Maddie. They brought adorable bears for Mollie and William. Sadly they couldn't hold the babies, but they obviously understood and were happy to adore through the glass.
Our new room was 5210.
To be contined...
**Mollie is spelled with an ie, not y. I'm typing on mobile devices and sometimes it autocorrects it and I don't catch it.
I love birth stories. Thanks for sharing, Bri. Glad your babies are healthy and you are all doing well.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't be more excited for you. Hoping for good eaters so you can go home!
ReplyDeleteJen (wish we were still neighbors)