Yesterday I had a Biophysical Profile (BPP) ultrasound, non-stress test, and doctor's visit.
WebMD: A biophysical profile (BPP) test measures the health of your baby (fetus) during pregnancy. The BPP measures your baby's heart rate, muscle tone, movement, breathing, and the amount of amniotic fluid around your baby.
Both babies got 100%. The coolest rating they passed was "practice breathing." They check that their diaphragm flexes to breath for 30 consecutive seconds. At first Baby Girl did about four repetions and then stopped, then start again, then stop. This is totally normal at this gestational age, so I wasn't worried. Then we checked Baby Boy and he did 30 seconds like a champ. We praised his strong lungs and then checked Baby Girl again. Not to be outdone she also showed us her "practice breathing" for 30 seconds. Maybe a bit competitive?
The non-stress test showed strong heartbeats, despite Baby Boy moving around a lot! He got difficult to track at times but we had a patient nurse. When Dr. T came in he was happy to see the results of the ultrasound and monitoring. I reported to him that both babies have their heads down on the ultrasound and he gave me knucks. His check showed that my cervix is stable. Whew. I was feeling so heavy and sore this week that the appointment was a sigh of relief. Next week we'll do an ultrasound to determine size of babies:) They should be over 3lbs each!
This pregnancy has been a God thing since the beginning, and He continues to surround us. We have been graciously and generously supported by family and friends in prayer, phone calls, visits, and food.
A common question is how I'm feeling about when the babies come. Here is where the Spirit totally intercedes. I am wired to plan, prepare, and imagine, which are great traits for a teacher. And yet somehow I know that the next chapter of our lives and mine as a mother are completely unpredictable. Babies could come tomorrow or in 5 weeks. They could be 3lbs or 6 lbs. The could latch the day of their birth and be great at nursing, or they might need to be fed by tubes at first. They could have colic or calm temperaments. Nothing like having children to make it apparent that we have no control. And while I usually like to plan and prepare despite these unknown variables, this time I am resting in the unknown. I am truly feeling calm about this next stage, from birth to bringing them home. And really even after that. Maybe I'm too confident in myself and our supportive family, but I truly believe I'm being confident in God being bigger than anything. Anything! And so will there be sleepless nights, worry, exhaustion, and unsure feelings...absolutely. But I will cast my cares upon Him. And will there be burps, first smiles, snuggles, the new baby smell, lullabies, kisses, and seeing Caleb become a big brother....yes. And I will praise His name for the blessing of these two babies. I guess the only assumption I am making at this time is that I will have these two babies and they will live. They might have health problems or need doctoring, but I am resting in God's grace and Him leading the doctor's to wisdom in caring for these two young lives. My daily petitions are for their health, and I know there are others praying for them too. Thank you! I am filled with gratefulness and a sense of calm!
31 weeks!
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