Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Eve

This day...a savior is born! A savior! WOW! This year the Christmas Eve service really moved me. Being a mom and having so much love for another being makes me realize the miracle of Jesus' birth and the sacrifice God made for us. May you too feel his grace, love, and peace this year!

Caleb skyped with Germany again this afternoon so that Tante Sandra could watch him open his package from her. He got Guess How Much I love you silverware to match the set he had gotten from Oma and Opa Dohmen. He loved the spoons!

We went to Covenant for their Christmas Eve service with Krista and the Mankato Millers. It was a very nice service which ended in Silent Night with candlelight. Love that!

Stopped by Jason and Carrie's for just a little while and then went home to our house for presents and supper. We decided to do present first since Caleb gets sleepy by 7:00. Caleb was a big fan of opening presents. He loved the paper but once the gifts were out and the paper was hidden away, he really loved the presents too.

I made my first turkey! Woohoo! Some assistance from Josh and Krista we had a wonderful meal of turkey, homemade bread, mixed vegetables, corn, mashed potatoes, and wine. It was really all delicious!

Caleb fell asleep before dessert. We fed him right when we got home from church so he just experimented with a couple puffs while we ate our Christmas Feast. A couple ounces of a bottle and he was out! (But not without getting up for a quick pacifier or cuddle again.) Krista, Josh, and I ended the night with some wii games and laughs. At one point Krista and I both were laughing so hard we didn't make any sound and Josh had to remind us to breathe, which only made me laugh harder! What a MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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