Friday, November 4, 2011

What the Doctor said...

We finally had Caleb's 6 month check up, November 3. I didn't have many concerns or questions so I was only concerned about the shots. Last time shots were done by a different nurse and they didn't go too smoothly.

I picked Caleb up early from daycare and zoomed to his appointment. He fell asleep in the car on the way to the appt and didn't stir much as I carried him into the clinic. I ended up waking him in the examination room after the nurse called back. Katie is great! I love our nurse! She was impressed with how easily Caleb woke up and quickly smiled. That's our boy!

The stats from this appointment were again quite impressive:
Weight: 21lbs (9.5kg)- 94th percentile
Height: 28 inches (71.1cm)- 93rd percentile
Head: 18 3/4" (47.6)- well above 99th percentile

Dr Benson continues to be happy with Caleb's progress and health. He could hear a little rattle in his chest, but wasn't concerned. Caleb was on the mend already.

Then it was time for 4 shots! I asked for two nurses and they were rock stars! Caleb was a trooper too. He only cried about 30 seconds and then calmed right down. I held him, wiped his tears, and kissed his cheeks. Mommy's kisses really do heal all wounds:)

In fact, Caleb was doing so well we stopped by Target to get a few things. Then we got home and cleaned house before we hosted a MonaVie tasting. Daddy took Caleb to Papa's for some guy time while I had the tasting. They came home was we were wrapping up. Caleb woke up as Daddy put on his PJs and he didn't like it. He got mad and you could tell his legs hurt. I let it go for awhile, but then my guests said I could leave them to go be Mommy for a bit. I gave him some Motrin and held him, but he was still crying. I told Josh I was going to take him out to my guests and he'd probably stop crying. Sure enough! He was mid cry when he saw the visitors and smiled. What a stinker! He even got held by most of them. He's such a people person!

A warm bottle a short time later and he was asleep. What a sweetheart!

1 comment:

  1. What a big boy! He's so precious and I love his smile. :) Auntie is so proud!
