Saturday, September 3, 2011


Thursday, September 1:
Today was a long day! I have been working hard at school this week and it was starting to catch up with me this morning when I dragged myself out of bed at 5:15 to feed Caleb. I was happy to go back to sleep for another 30 minutes and press snooze a time or two before truly getting up for the day. I had Caleb packed the night before because it was a big day!

Caleb went to daycare, but when I picked him up we didn't go home. We went to Nana and Papa's house. Caleb would staying with them for the evening while Josh and I joined my parents and siblings in the Dome for a Vikings pre-season game. This would be the shortest amount of time I have spent with Caleb in a day EVER. I was at my inlaws with Caleb for about 40 minutes, fed him and kissed him, and then left to ride up with Josh and Krista to the Twin Cities.

We had a great time! I have never been to a professional football game. Even though our seats were in the upper deck they were not bad seats. I liked the view point and Gene brought two pairs of binoculars for when you wanted the up close and personal view.
A night out

Our view

The crew (I took the pic)

Greta was there too, just left early to avoid the crowds

I survived my late night away from Caleb and Caleb had fun with Nana and Papa. We picked him up at midnight and he was sprawled across Papa's chest and stomach. He is sooo big all laid out! He didn't even flinch when Josh picked him up and buckled him into his car seat.

While we all had a great night, just in different places, I still prefer to have quality time with Caleb as much as possible now that I'm back at work. But the consolation is that he has people whole love him watching over him at all times.

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