Baptism is a gift from outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We are in God's family! So exciting to have Caleb's baptism! While our two families come from different baptism traditions, one of the reasons we chose to baptize Caleb now was because of sponsors. In my family, sponsors have meant a great deal! My sponsors have played a significant role in my life and I have known they are people I could go to for help and encouragement. They were the ones that made sure they made it to milestones, events, and birthdays. They cheered me on and I know they prayed for me my entire life! While other families made it to concerts and milestones, there was a special relationship between my sponsors and myself.
The service started at 10:30 at Our Saviour's Lutheran Church - Butternut. Gene, my step-dad, is the pastor there. Gene's tradition with baptism is that after Caleb was baptized, Gene took and showed him off to the children in front and the congregation down the aisles. Then he gave Caleb to a member, John and Donna, in the pews to hold until he fusses:) But he didn't fuss. He slept through the whole thing. But John gave him back to us during the offering about 20 minutes later. I love that Gene does this. It is a really cool moment. It emphasizes the importance of the Christian Family and how it takes a Village!
Which Caleb had a village there to celebrate his baptism! Here they all are...
Here he is during the service. His sponsors are Ryan and Britta Fisher & Jason and Carrie Miller.
Ryan, Britta, Briana, Josh, Caleb, Carrie, Jason |
Up front |
Baptism |
Blessing |
Showing Caleb off to the congregation |
Our family |
Great Grandparents: Melvin, Bill, Dorothea |
Grandparents: Bob & Ruthan, Denise & Gene |
Aunts and Uncles |
Great-great Uncle Roger and Aunt Holly (my sponsors) |
Britta and Ryan (sponsors) with Caleb |
Carrie and Jason (Sponsors) with Caleb |
Lovely, Bri.