#1 |
#2 (same as 1 but B/W) |
#3 |
#4 |
#5 |
#6 |
#7 |
#8 Thinking... |
Swinging makes waiting easier |
Wild Hair on the trapeze |
Helping Grampa carry supplies |
They are fitting this puzzle together |
What?! I am 12 feet off the ground and flying this thing by myself?! |
I'm getting down from there! |
It's done! Whee! |
The blessing |
The Cake |
How old is Caleb? |
Cupcake Mustache |
The Little Drummer Boy |
Thanks for the drums Aunt Kayla & Uncle Garrett |
A Bus! |
Thanks J1 Millers (Eli and his fam) |
Yo-Ho-Ho |
Thanks Nana and Papa |
Shoes...my favorites! |
Thanks Aunt Sandra and Auntie Krista |
College Fund - Thanks Oma & Grampa |
Dr. Miller (beat you Jason) - Thanks Aunt Greta |
Fear me...I am 2! |
Ball Player- Thanks Aunt Britta, Uncle Ryan, and Cousin Kiri |