Monday, August 20, 2012

A new swing

Oma and Grandpa got a new swing for Caleb at their farm. Caleb had fun taking it for a ride!

But he still likes the swing he can climb all over:)

Dancing to the Olympics Opening Ceremony

Caleb has got some moves, even when he's strapped into a high chair eating Banana Cream Pie:)

My model - My love!

For my birthday and Mother's day, I received a new manual camera that I love. I love playing with it, but don't know how to use all the bells and whistles. My sister, a professional photographer, Gretchen Alms was generous enough to take me on a photography lesson. She brought a dog, I brought a kid, and we walked around downtown Mankato. Here are some shots.

I love this stance: Ah hoy, Mate! He also just conquered the steps!

He's going to march right up those steps!

It was hot out! Hydrate!

Pictures by the lovely Gretchen Alms:

Family Dinner - Lauren's Home!

End of July, Lauren came home! Lauren lives in Seoul, Korea most of the year teaching English to elementary students. Lauren hasn't seen Caleb for one year. Here are their first moments together:
Caleb walked around the corner and saw Lauren

There he is...seeing his Auntie.
Smiling at Lauren from a safe distance with Oma:)

After the family dinner, Caleb tried on the family Lederhosen. I must say he looked quite dashing. This Lederhosen is over 40 years old and has been worn by the charming men on my mom's side of the family as they have grown. Fun to keep traditions alive!

Look at that handsome man.

Playing with Uncle Garrett


Uncle Garrett's biceps are burning.

Snuggles with Oma!
Families are all fun and special...and wonderful when we're together!

On the farm

Caleb got to play on the farm this July. Great-Great Uncle Roger and Aunt Holly live on a beef farm with lots of fun calves, cows, machinery, and landscape. Here are some of the highlights from the day on the farm:

Playful calves

Watching the calves

Staying hydrated

Hanging out at the pond/summer kitchen

Playing farm


Lunch with Great-Great Aunt Holly
What a great day! Caleb slept the whole way home. Being a farmer is exhausting! :)