Thursday, May 17, 2012

For Mother's Day

Hello All,

This is Daddy Miller postin' the latest.
I know that I am late with this but this but....

To all you Mother's out there Happy Mother's Day.

We all know that nothing would get done in the world without you.

Now I'm going to focus on the love of my life, Bri.
Let's take a little walk...
What a difference a year can make.
Last year--> Mother's Day 2011
This year Mother's Day 2012 -->

I said it the day Caleb was born and I will say it again... You are my hero! You have given me so much that I will never be able to repay you.
He might have been screaming in the picture above but he settled into the love you shower him with every day..... That makes him happy
In fact it is hard to find a picture of you two where he is not smiling...
He loves his Mom so much that this is what he looked like when we told him that Bri was going to be gone for the weekend and it was going to be just the Guys....
I wonder where he gets a look like that?

I pray every day that he turns out just like you. Smart, hard working, love of the Lord, and one of the best people I know.

But.... I am seeing that he takes after me in a couple of ways....
No, No Caleb you sit on the chair....
 No, No Caleb that is Woody's kennel...

Caleb has grown to a little boy who is standing on is own.
He is great at impressions.....He does a great Chris Farley - in "Tommy Boy"
And has already had his 2nd hair cut.....

I have always thought we were blessed to have 2 great mothers but now I realize that Caleb is Extremely bless to have you as a mother. Lord only knows where he would be without you....
Probably eating sand....
On a side note I would like to wish a Special Happy New Mother's Day to Jessica & Britta 
   Little Lincoln and Little Kiri are true blessings.

Later Taters,

Saturday, May 12, 2012

A busy day!

This Saturday started like many other Saturdays. A list of hopeful accomplishments and a typical nap schedule. Mommy didn't get much of her list done, as is typical but she was happy to do meander through the day with her boys.

This morning was breakfast and playing with Caleb from 6:45 to 9:30. We also stopped over at the neighbors. They were having a garage sale. We found some things for cousin Kiri. Caleb showed his extraverted self at the sale. Finally, Caleb showed a few signs of being tired and went down for a nap. Then Mommy got the kitchen cleaned up and a donation of food put out on the step to go with the mail for "Stamp out Hunger." She made sure it wasn't expired (Auntie Krista:)) and upon looking at dates on some cans and boxes, had a few things to throw out.

Then Oma came over since she's leaving for a week to Colorado starting Mother's Day and we won't get to see her. When Caleb woke up, Oma was there. Mommy picked Caleb up from his crib and then he reached right for Oma with a big smile:)

So Oma and Caleb got some play time. For Mother's day Nana and Oma get to pick a picture that Aunt Greta  (password 04192011) took of me. Caleb loves looking at his pictures.

We went outside and enjoyed the sunshine too. Daddy was outside working on the yard. We opened up the sandbox for the first time! Woohoo! First Caleb enjoyed crawling on the lid.
Climber---no fear
New sand toys
Chewing sand
Finding tall grass
Oma had to go and pack for her visit with Kiri, and Caleb and Mommy went inside. We had lunch. Meanwhile Daddy and Woody used the power sprayer, so we needed to be careful and stay inside. But Caleb wanted to be outside with the boys so we watched from the windows.

Caleb got pretty frustrated to be left out of the fun outside so he got determined to move things around on the inside, including Woody's leashes.

Then it was nap time again. And when Caleb woke up it was outside again. Caleb is Mr. Outside. If he can, he wants to be where he can get dirty:) So back in the sandbox for a little and then Daddy said, "Family bike ride?" Mommy said, "Sure!"
Caleb in our "new to us" trailer and his new bike helmet
Caleb wanted a little snack break
When we got home from our bike ride we took the truck and Daddy's bike to Nicollet Bike Shop. Daddy decided his gears needed some tuning.

When we got home it was supper and playing some more! Then bath time!

And to end the day, Daddy had to move his truck in the driveway and Caleb helped! Even accidentally honked the horn that gave him some wide-eyes:)

What a wonderfully, busy Saturday!
That's what I call a good Miller Time!

**Mommy got a new camera for her birthday. Can you tell she likes using it?
Here's a video of Caleb's fun early this morning. We bought him the green chair last night, so this was his exploration of fun!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

April...where did it go? Wait, it's mid-May?

April's posts were embarrassing few (one)!
So here's a catchup of April!

Good morning, Rooster!
April 3, 2012: Cousin Lincoln Michael Rhodes is born! We are so glad he's here. It took us awhile to get to hold him and love on him but he's a healthy, growing boy now!
Locally Grown...MN Baby!
Easter basket from Amy (daycare)
Even the "basket" is fun!
Pinwheel and much fun!
Fever ...snuggle with Mommy

Miller Grandkids on Easter Sunday
Recovering from fever and sleeping angels!
Snuggle with Daddy
Easter Basket from Grandpa & Oma
Blocks from Katie!

Sand at the Children's Museum of Southern MN


Caleb has changed a lot in the last couple months and it makes it harder it to sit down and find the time to organize my pictures and write on the blog. Being a teacher, after Caleb goes to bed, I sit down and grade papers and wash cloth diapers in between subjects. My job isn't just 7:30-4:00. So it's hard to find time to carve out for me, but I'm trying. I am catching up on some unposted pictures that didn't match a topic I had (and didn't post much in the months of Feb/March) are some fun random ones of Caleb & family:

Uncle Michael & Caleb
Sticking his foot up in the Josie the look of "What..."
Penguin foot prints
The boys: Woody, Daddy, Caelb

Papa & Me

Out at Daycare

Aunt Jen & Caleb

Eli and Caleb at Jake's Pizza

Sharks are fun! Caleb & Megan
hmm...How does this work?

I got it! I screwed it off all by myself!
He already looks so different than these pictures! He's growing so much!