November was a busy month that took us on a road trip to Ohio. We were so excited to go over the river and through the woods to Grandmother's house, but the fog really delayed us. Usually Josh drives through the night with a small nap in the middle of the night. But seeing as the road was barely visible, we stayed at a hotel for 4 hours of good sleep before hitting the road again. Caleb was a trooper. The trip to Butler Ohio is usually 15 hours in the car. With the fog it was almost 22 hours. But our little guy played peek under his blanket, watched the movie Cars, oohed and ahhed at the semi trucks, and ate snacks like a true traveler. He is at a road side stop and breakfast at Bob Evans.
Daddy's tired and Caleb needs a diaper change. |
He's keeping an eye on the waitress. |
We finally arrived mid afternoon at Grandma Norma Miller's house. Woohoo! Grandma, Nana, and Papa pulled in behind us from errands. It was so wonderful to see Grandma again. Caleb got her giggling with his Paul Bunyan impression.
That night Caleb got some very good sleep in his pack n play. He was so thankful to not be buckled in and could be his usual rolly polly self in his sleep. His bed head is the best.
And so it was Thanksgiving Day! Grandma made pies and kept herself busy in the kitchen. Although, she did take a break to chit chat during breakfast. This is Grandma, as her beautiful, everyday self.
Grandma pulled out all the toy, most that Josh had played with as a boy himself. Caleb loved the tractor.
Lincoln arrived after breakfast with Aunt Boogie. Grandma was sure happy to see him!
So we were now all finally ready to go to Great Aunt Penny's for Thanksgiving. There we would see many cousins and Caleb's second cousins, aunts and uncles, and great-aunts and -uncles. Family!
Here are the highlights of the day:
Isn't he handsome? His mother pieced that outfit together from single items in his closet. :) |
Walking in to Thanksgiving. So thankful! |
Looking outside with cousin Braden |
My happy lil guy |
Caleb and Great-Great-Aunt Faye |
2nd cousins |
Playing IN the toy box |
Ear Protection while the guys do target practice |
Happy Thanksgiving! |
This year we are very thankful for our happy, healthy son. He has given us so much joy. He fills our hearts so completely. I truly try not to take a day with him for granted. I am grateful for the miracle of his life. Josh and I are both happy in our jobs, in our home, and in our marriage. God is good, all the time.