Thursday, June 30, 2011


Tuesday night we were having a great family night. But it got complicated at the end of the night. I was showing Josh our bath routine so that he could get in on the good clean fun! I had just put the warm wash cloth on Caleb's belly to keep him warm and then grabbed a cup water to pour over his belly and washcloth. As I was about to pour it, Caleb gave an excited little kick. His leg bumped my arm and Caleb got a face full of water.

He looked shocked and appalled and then began to cry. Water up the nose is no fun!! It took a little while but we calmed him down and finished up with a sponge bath. Josh said, "It's official! I don't like him in pain or getting hurt!" Good thing he hasn't taken Caleb to get his shorts! Now let's just hope that Caleb hasn't been scarred about bath time. Soon he'll be our happy bath boy again! And I'll be more careful with cups of water!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Family Time

This morning we had 10 week pictures with my good friend Kayla. Look for those pictures coming soon!

This afternoon we went to Grandma Norma's memorial at Oak Terrace in Gaylord. It was a very nice service. We sang some of Grandma's favorite hymns and they had a nice message about her faithfulness despite any sadness or tragedy sent her way. That is something I will always remember about Grandma. She sent me her faith statement while I was in Germany and it is one of my most prized possessions.

After the memorial service we visited Grandma's former roommate, Marvel. She has a new roommate now who is very sweet. I hope to visit them again. Marvel's roommate hears a lot of stories about Grandma it seems. She has a lot to live up to according to Marvel. Joanne, Marvel, the new roommate, Caleb and I had afternoon coffee which only seemed fitting in Grandma's memory. Caleb of course got more attention and shared his smiles in return.

Then we had supper with Great Uncle Dennis, and cousins Denise and Denna. Caleb has a lot of people who love him!!

Rain and Sun

Caleb did a week of sleeping 6 hours in a row! Woohooo! But now he's back to 4.5 hours at the most. Keep praying:)

This hasn't been the summer I envisioned. I imagined that Caleb and I would be able to go on a late afternoon or evening walk every day on the trail right by our house. Well the rain has had other plans. Last week was very rainy. To break it up a bit we went to the cities on Thursday and met up with my cousin Denise and her daughter Denna for a snack and then had supper with Caleb's aunt Greta. She even sent us home with fresh strawberries and jam. On our way home we went to a MonaVie tasting and it was wonderful to see those friends again. I hadn't seen some of them since the beginning of April!! It was great to reconnect with a company I love!

Finally the weather changed on Friday. It was glorious to see the sun! Caleb and I went to our first baseball game of the season. We watched cousin Avery play at Caswell fields. Meanwhile Daddy went fishing and caught his biggest Musky yet! Such wonderful things happen when the sun shines:) Saturday was more baseball and we finally bought Daddy's father's day present....a WEED WHACKER! Boy was he excited!

He likes the game!

Sunday Caleb wore his first "separates" outfit. He had his shorts and t-shirt on.

That morning we were at Nana and Papas. Caleb was a very happy boy!

Then we went out to Oma & Grandpa's and played Frisbee golf after dinner. I hadn't played before and came in last place, but shocked myself that I didn't trail too far. The one lost disc wasn't mine!! Caleb bounced along with us in his stroller sleeping through it all. I have to say I was impressed with our stroller. Due to the rain it was a little soft and the bumpy lawn in the country didn't make it an easy trail either...but we forged ahead. Caleb got a vibrating massage:) He also had fun tummy time with Oma.

Monday Caleb and I had morning coffee with Dani. She leaves soon for the East coast so we had to say our goodbyes. The next time she sees Caleb he will be running around I'm sure!

From there we went up to Shakopee to see Great Aunt Joanne and Cousin Denise. We finished sorting and dividing my Grandma's things. It was bittersweet to drive away. I was glad the task was done but it made me miss her. I'm glad to have some of her things to remember her by. What a lady!

Caleb and I started cloth diapers last week and it is going very well! He looks good and it really isn't difficult. I don't put them on when we go out and about, but at home we're doing great! It's nice to save a little money.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Wedding Weekend

Caleb's first wedding was his for his Aunt Jess (Boogie) and her sweetheart, Michael. The special treat was out of state family came and got to meet Caleb too!

Grandma Betty

Grandma Norma from Ohio with the quilt she made Caleb! Gorgeous!

Ooohing and Aaahing

Aunt Penny
Uncle Larry

It was a beautiful day with loved ones!
Miller Men with Jess

Our Family looking sharp

Needs a little nap between all the partying!

4 Generations: Great Grandpa Richard, Papa Bob, Daddy, Caleb

Max and Sami carrying Caleb

Grinning in his tux onesie.

Family out on the dance floor.

Great Grandpa and Great Grandma Miller

Farewell dance

Caleb's buddy, Aaron, came too!
High 5


Lounging with Aaron

The Johnsons and Millers

Congrats Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes! We love you!

2 months!

What a big boy he is!

Yesterday, on Father's Day, was technically his two month benchmark. Here he is with his daddy:) And such a good daddy he is!

Here he is with his buddies marking the 2 month milestone.

Today was his 2 month appointment and I braced myself for the shots. Caleb waited patiently for the doctor...

but I think he knew something was up :)

On 6/20/2011 Caleb measured 24 inches long (86%), 13.8 pounds (91%), and head 16.5 inches (91%). He is proportionate and good sized. Dr. B said that Caleb is a good looking kid and we should have 7 or 8 of them. haha! I told him we'd work on it.

Then we waited for the nurse to come with the shots. Caleb was a little fussy because he was tired so I held him and kept him calm. In came the nurse with a drink vaccine first. She told me it was thick and sticky, and that it might be difficult for him since he has only ever had breastmilk. BUT...he sucked it down like a champ. She was impressed and I praised Caleb for impressing the ladies. Then came the shots. The nurse said she didn't need my help so I kept my face looking at Caleb and held his hands. He cried a good cry. Luckily she was quick and I could scoop him up and swaddle him. As soon as he was swaddled and had his numchuck (our nickname for the nuk) he calmed in my arms. But he still had some crocodile tears left in his eyes. Made my heart hurt.

But overall I am proud of my little guy. He was a little tender today but nothing a little love and snuggles wouldn't cure.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Acting like a baby!

Daddy went on a week long fishing trip and Caleb and I had a great week! Caleb was a baby to brag about.
Jack McGowans was wonderful in the morning. It was hot but the breeze off the river in the valley was perfect. Of course we left before it got too hot and uncomfortable. Besides, we had company coming to visit. My high school math teacher and Mock Trial coach, Barb, came to visit. He got some more books and adorable outfits. He is one well dressed kid! We stayed inside for the night since it was so warm! Tuesday night he slept 6 hours in a row! WOOHOO!

Marcia holding Caleb. He loves her!! He ended up leaving his mark on her :)


This morning we went to cousin Josie's 8th grade graduation. Caleb slept through the whole thing, like a good baby:) He got to see another of Aunt Jen's murals too...amazing! Every year the 8th grade chooses a quote and does a mural that they sign. Jen did the artwork and it is picture worthy!

From there we went to Target. I nursed in the car before going in. That was my first public "nurse on the go" experience on my own and it went very well! I will (have to) do it again:) We needed to get a hat for Caleb considering the beautiful sunny weather we are having. Here's a looker in it!

Wednesday night we went to visit the other solo momma and baby. Angie and Aaron hosted dinner and an evening walk. Caleb is almost exactly one month older than Caleb. It's so fun to get a preview of what fun things Caleb will be up to next!
Caleb and Aaron

Daddy came home early!! But he slept most of the day:) But boy are we glad to see him!

This morning we had an appointment and then had a company twice! Mary O came for a walk and he got some more wonderful books and an adorable stuffed puppy. Then my high school friends (Laura, Dani & Dani) stopped by bringing DQ!

From there we went to a retirement party for my mom's PT co-worker, Meg. Meg is a grandma too. It is her grandson that gives Caleb many hand-me-downs. It is so generous!!

Back to work! Nana babysat while mommy (me) went to work to clean out her classroom. Overall it was a good day. I did ok apart from Caleb but I did stop by twice and he was only 4 blocks away! Caleb had fun with Nana and Papa even stopped by!

This is the day his sleeping changed. Friday night Caleb wasn't the good little sleeper he usually is! He was up almost every 2.5 hours! To be honest I was bummed that my "perfect" baby wasn't cooperating, but with a little perspective I have realized he's "Acting like a baby!" Babies are supposed to change and grow and keep their parents humble.

This continued for the weekend. Suddenly twice a day he would get so mad during nursing that he wouldn't really nurse. Sometimes he could latch because he was so mad. I would have to settle him down, maybe even rock him to sleep for a cat nap and then try again. Again, his nursing is something I had bragged about, but he changed it up to keep me humble.

Saturday we went to a college friend's baby shower in Bloomington. Just last summer Molly and I were talking over supper and dreaming/praying about having babies of our own. Here were are the next summer with babies!! God is good!

On the way home we had a cool drink with another college friend, Anna. He decided to be a fussy nurser again so we had our cool drink in the car with the windows down. Thank goodness for another beautiful day!

We seem to be on the go alot! I don't realize it until I jot it all down! Whoa! He is a good baby to put up with all of this jostling and running about!

Well, I still haven't gotten more than three hours of sleep in a row for the last five days, so pray for a little reprieve please:)